Forgive me for being serious for a moment, but some of you might remember the Chandler &Macleod on line test? I can't give you any numbers, but the vast majority of diagnosed aspies posted results that contained both the Autistic (now Artist) component and the Epiletoid (now Engineer). There were many variations, like NAE, ADE etc. (and, stragely, a significant minority of Paranoid Epileptoid, given how different are the Autistic and Paranoid aspects...):
The AE style person is easily distinguished by their commitment to technical accuracy and their complete absorption in their work. They are project-minded people, eager to ensure that all the details are in place. Completing a task to perfection is often more important to them than working within deadlines and, in their enthusiasm for perfecting specifics, they can find it difficult to formulate broader plans. Their focus on technical perfection can make them a valuable asset to an organisation, providing an alternative perspective to more commercially expedient approaches, although their commitment to high quality results can mean that the time taken or the procedures followed must be carefully considered in light of economic realities. They are frequently idealistic, imaginative and creative in their thinking processes.
These people are stimulated by opportunities to employ their creative talents and are more likely to enjoy being the sole operator, rather than having to fit in with team requirements. They are non-antagonistic as far as other people are concerned, but have a little difficulty in including others in their thoughts and their activities. Because they like to "do their own thing", they can become quickly irritated by interference in their area of work. This irritation is usually clearly visible to those around them, particularly if changes of plan or changes in project requirements are thrust upon them. When they are subjected to situations that upset them they will tend to cope by burying themselves in their work and shutting out what is going on around them.
The work situation they like best is one where they are given the space to work to their own high standards, rather than feeling they are under externally imposed time pressures. They prefer not to be disturbed or pulled away to attend to requests from others. Colleagues can sometimes find their preference for working alone difficult to understand and it could therefore at times be important for the AE style of person to consciously set aside times to interact with colleagues, to ensure that they do not convey the impression that they are antisocial or even hostile. They could also find it helpful to explain to colleagues that when they are engrossed in their work, they see attempts by others at social interaction more as irritants than as friendly gestures and, when they are placed under pressure, they are likely to avoid social situations, often coming across as aloof or irritable without meaning to.
They enjoy a work situation where they have the opportunity to work on finite projects, where outcomes are tangible and their own responsibilities are personally challenging but clearly defined. It is very important (for their enjoyment of their work and their ability to give of their best) for project requirements and realistic time frames to be agreed upon at the outset. They appreciate managers who are considerate and respectful of their skills, who recognise their excellent intentions and commitment to quality, who trust them in their work and show quiet recognition and appreciation of their efforts and accomplishments.
They generally view their social life as their own business, and do not appreciate being pressured by invitations to "join in", much preferring to generate friendships over time with people of a similar nature. For them, comfortable friendships often develop slowly over shared involvement in mutually interesting projects.