Hopper wrote:
I'm not sure how it is elsewhere, but some libraries around here have recently abandoned the Dewey Decimal System in favour of vague grouping. The books still have their classification, but they'll put them with other books sort of related. You don't get a nice progressing 001 to 999 arrangement. It's some sort of experimental cut up/free association version of library management.
A few weeks back I went looking for a particular book on Asperger's - the irony didn't escape me. Was it in Mental Health? Psychology? Health? Relationships? Family Health? Nope. Wondering if someone had a wry sense of humour, I even checked under Railways. This took me about forty minutes, wandering from section to section, going over and over the books, becoming increasingly distressed. I had to give up, on the verge of a shutdown (or even meltdown), though by now I'd become fixated on getting the book - it was part of my plan for the day, to go to that library (an hour's bus trip) and get that book. In the end I took another hour's bus trip to the next library that had a copy - luckily it was easy to find there.
Oh, wow. That sounds like an awful day. I don't know what I would do if I found out my library did away with Dewey Decimal (so far, so good, around here. Though my local library is small and I have to order most books I want from further-away libraries, anyway.) However, I hope you're not offended that I laughed really hard when you said, "
Wondering if someone had a wry sense of humour, I even checked under Railways." Lol! In a way, I'm glad nobody put it there. In another way, though, it would have at least solved your problem if you found it there. So much trouble for one book! Without a set system, how does your library manage? Does your library offer computers that you can search for books through? The ones I've been to do that, but they still give you a Dewey Decimal number so you can search the shelves yourself and find it.
My most recent ASD moment was the other day, when I finally realized that taking college classes (which I have never done before), involves having classmates. Somehow, before that moment, I was imagining my education occurring in a sort of classmate-less bubble, with just me, the teacher, and my classwork. It's been five years since I was in school, after all. I don't have anybody guiding me and informing me of what these classes will entail. I was all ready to tackle college, but suddenly remembering that I WILL have to talk with classmates and probably do group projects, I'm nervous all over again. I know there's something I physically do, some kind of "vibe" I give off, maybe, that keeps people away from me. I just don't know what it is. I can't see myself from another's point of view. Even seeing myself on video doesn't tell me what I'm doing differently. Yet, very few people ever invited me to do things in high school or in my workplaces. This worry has me suddenly remembering it. Considering I don't know WHAT it is that I do that pushes people away, I don't know how to get around it and maybe get to know some of my new classmates this coming semester. So maybe this isn't an ASD "moment", but just an overall concern related to Asperger's...