Self diagnosed people here don't have aspergers

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02 Feb 2010, 10:09 pm

I used Wikipedia to self-diagnose and then slipped the doc a $5--I'm legit and don't care what anyone says. 8) :P


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03 Feb 2010, 6:06 am

pandd wrote:
b9 wrote:
but i realized after a few weeks, that here is a social pecking order here and i am at the bottom even though i am not mentally stupid.

I do not think you are mentally stupid either, although I do believe that you are somewhat unrealistic in your evaluation above.

do you mean in my evaluation that there is a pecking order, or that i am at the bottom of it?

i was rash in saying that i was at the "bottom" of the "pecking orders". there are other people here who are also not taken seriously or considered much. i am not really concerned about my place on social pecking orders because if what i said was used as fuel for much further discussion, i would feel that it is a chore to remain involved in those conversations.
but on the other hand, sometimes i very much consider what i am going to say and take much effort to post my comment, and i read those threads the next day to see what responses i got, and i am surprised to see that there are many more pages of conversation without any indication that what i said was read. then i sometimes think "what a waste of energy that post of mine was".

that is also part of oppositional defiant disorder. it goes much deeper than what one reads about it on the internet. the opposition is separate from the defiance, and they can both be internal. in a summarized way i can say that i think "oh no! i am going to have to respond to all those replies" if i get any, and i think "what a waste of time" if i do not get any replies. it is my problem.

pandd wrote:
i am at the bottom of the pecking order on this site even though i was diagnosed as autistic at 3 years old, and suspected to be autistic at 3 months old.

If there is a pecking order, at least you have the social know-how to have identified that....not everyone here can honestly claim to have done so well on that count.

i will refine my meaning to say that i do not think i am at the absolute bottom, but just not high up enough to effect the flow of discussion. what i say is rarely considered to be a source of fuel for further debate.

pandd wrote:
they use buzz words like "zomg" which i think means "zombie oh my god" which is not understandable by me.

According to urban dictionary, you are quite close to the mark. The z is apparently meaningless and was originally a typing error that results when someone hits the "z" key instead of the shift key when trying to type OMG (an acronym for "Oh My God"). So you were nearly right.

goodness gracious .it is absurd to me that a typo can become entrenched in peoples vocabulary.

pandd wrote:
what does "oh my god" mean anyway? even if it was explained to me i will never understand.

I believe it means "exclamation" and has a similar meaning as the exclamation mark commonly employed in text. Or at least that is how I interpret it and so far as I know this interpretation has not caused any misunderstandings for me.

yes i know it is an exclamatory expression, but why do they say "oh their god"?
do they mean the words they say? or is it just a set of phonetic sounds that they have heard said by others many times, and they use it because they have heard it many times to express surprise?
if they had never heard that expression, would they be likely to come up with it in their own minds as a valid way of describing their surprise?

where did that expression come from? who first said it? do people adopt it because they think the persons who they heard say it are "cool"?

i can never understand. i never use the "expression" because it does not express anything that means sense to me. but so many people here do, and that is why i mentioned it.
pandd wrote:
people on this site seem so much smarter and more able in social reciprocation than i am, and i gave up being optimistic that i will ever find someone that i can talk to here long ago.

I agree; you do appear to be rather pessimistic at times.

i guess you are correct in the instance of me thinking i will ever find someone who i easily understand, and who easily understands me that i can talk to.
otherwise i am not pessimistic or optimistic. i really do not hope for much in life because i have all i think i need, but i would like to have met someone who is like me to talk to. i am not sad about it. it is exactly the same as why i never buy lottery tickets. i expect to not win. i am not sad that i did not win the lottery this week because i did not buy a ticket.

pandd wrote:
there are social cliques on this site and i have no ability to join in.

Do you actually want to be in a clique? I am no expert, but I think that usually one joins a clique by involving themselves in "small-talk" and social reciprocity with those already involved in one. I also believe that for the most part the only thing that really goes on in cliques is yet more "small talk" and social reciprocity. Unless you actually enjoy "small talk" and social reciprocity, joining a clique may be of very limited value to you.

no i do not want to be part of a clique at all. i think you misinterpret the reason i wrote the post that you are responding to. i was trying to infer with my whole post that i think that many members here are not AS. i am merely defining core differences in me to the average members of this site. i could not care less (except when i am verbose in a post and i am ignored (and only then because i realize i could have made some progress doing other things that night))

pandd wrote:
but i think i am more affected than many people here, and they ignore me because they are looking for more advanced social interaction which i am incapable of. it is not my fault because i did not build myself.

Why do you think people ignore you b9?

i am not completely ignored. you and elderwanda and a few others occasionally reply to me.
i used to post songs i wrote and performed in the music thread, and no one ever commented on my stuff even though in my mind it was comment worthy.

the people in that thread used to extol the virtues of other posters who posted simple one fingered renditions of music pieces that i did not find very noteworthy. i think i was ignored because they remember my bubble head and think "yeah whatever" and they scroll past and never listened.

in the art thread i posted some fractal art that i spent days calculating and refining mathematically, and there were no comments about what i posted, yet another person who posted a pencil drawn stick figure gets "wow!! ! good stuff!!"

in some threads, i posted links to relevant videos on my "iamxb70" youtube page, and i noticed that the number of views to the videos i posted links to were the same days after i posted my post.
that means that nobody bothered to click my links. that is because they see me as a sterile nobody and i guess i am ok with that.

again i stress that i do not care for congratulation, but i note that non autistics would appreciate comic strips more than complicated designs. the inference there is that maybe not everyone in that thread is autistic (the topic title of this thread is "self diagnosed autistics...etc" and so i was thinking in that vein when i mentioned being ignored).

if the key i have does not fit the door i am trying to enter, then the only thing i can do is go elsewhere.
this site is the last time i will try to talk to people, and after i decide that this site is populated mainly by super cool groovy "autists" who consider me to be insignificant, i will become a hermit.
i have my animals and my food and my shelter and my strange talents and i can entertain myself forever.

pandd wrote:
it is good to be worthwhile to someone else than only myself.

I find you worthwhile. I read your posts when I see them, and I always appreciate your wittisms (although I have not encountered one for a while).

yes 3 very bad things have happened to me since jan 12, and until i am feeling settled and secure again, i can not be in the frame of mind for humor.

i am very sad at the moment and maybe i should not post here until i become happy again because my posts carry a bit of a forlorn flavor at the moment.

thanks for being a nice person.


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03 Feb 2010, 6:09 am

elderwanda wrote:
b9 wrote:
but i think i am more affected than many people here, and they ignore me because they are looking for more advanced social interaction which i am incapable of. it is not my fault because i did not build myself.

There are many times when you post something, and I'm very surprised that no one responded to it, because it was a really good point, or it was funny.

i will respond to you tomorrow night because i have to rise at 4:45 am and i must go to bed immediately.


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03 Feb 2010, 7:03 am

b9 wrote:
do you mean in my evaluation that there is a pecking order, or that i am at the bottom of it?

I have no idea if there is a pecking order here or not (it's not implausible I guess) but if there is one, I find it unlikely that you would be at the bottom. I would be surprised if you are not much better regarded than you seem to believe.

but on the other hand, sometimes i very much consider what i am going to say and take much effort to post my comment, and i read those threads the next day to see what responses i got, and i am surprised to see that there are many more pages of conversation without any indication that what i said was read. then i sometimes think "what a waste of energy that post of mine was".

The thing is if what you have said seems largely correct, and is comprehensive, it does not necessarily invite comment. I cannot talk for everyone else (obviously) but for myself I usually do not see the point of commenting just to tell someone that I agree....I guess I figure no one needs my endorsement and probably would see it as arrogance if I went around giving approval everytime I thought someone's comments were correct, insightful and comprehensive. I tend to comment when I disagree or believe I can offer some elaboration. Most of your posts are fairly comprehensive and sensible. Perhaps people might feel they do not have much of anything to add.
i will refine my meaning to say that i do not think i am at the absolute bottom, but just not high up enough to effect the flow of discussion. what i say is rarely considered to be a source of fuel for further debate.

I agree that your comments do not fuel debate very often. This may just be because people do not tend to disagree with your comments though.

goodness gracious .it is absurd to me that a typo can become entrenched in peoples vocabulary.

There is a couple of other examples of this too. The (non)word "teh" is apparently a misspelling of "the" and "ebil" if a misspelling of "evil". I was not familair with zomg myself, but I do know about "teh" and "ebil" and have even used them a few times when it seemed amusing (to me) to do so.
Urban dictionary is a good place to check if you come across these "popular internet acronyms" and want to know what they mean. It usually has the answers and you get to it by googling "urban dictionary"....I have found it very helpful as I too have trouble keeping up with the "internet speak".

yes i know it is an exclamatory expression, but why do they say "oh their god"?
do they mean the words they say? or is it just a set of phonetic sounds that they have heard said by others many times, and they use it because they have heard it many times to express surprise?
if they had never heard that expression, would they be likely to come up with it in their own minds as a valid way of describing their surprise?

I suspect (although I do not know) that it's something they have heard from others and they are simply using the same sounds (as a "phrase") for the same purpose. After all a lot of people who say it are actually atheists.

where did that expression come from? who first said it? do people adopt it because they think the persons who they heard say it are "cool"?

I have no idea where it came from or who said it first. I do suspect that typically people have a propensity to pick up language from each other that has evolved alongside our use of language. The propensity is strongest in young children still learning a first language, but I think perhaps it does not go away but mellows a little over time.

i guess you are correct in the instance of me thinking i will ever find someone who i easily understand, and who easily understands me that i can talk to.
otherwise i am not pessimistic or optimistic. i really do not hope for much in life because i have all i think i need, but i would like to have met someone who is like me to talk to. i am not sad about it. it is exactly the same as why i never buy lottery tickets. i expect to not win. i am not sad that i did not win the lottery this week because i did not buy a ticket.

I hope you do find someone you feel as though you relate to.

no i do not want to be part of a clique at all.

I did not think so...
So far as I can tell they are just a big exchange of social energy and social reciprocation and from your self-descriptions, they do not seem to be the kind of thing you would be inclined to spend that level of social energy on.

i am not completely ignored. you and elderwanda and a few others occasionally reply to me.
i used to post songs i wrote and performed in the music thread, and no one ever commented on my stuff even though in my mind it was comment worthy.

I did not know you were musically talented.

I have never even been to the music thread.

I am sorry if you feel good efforts are not being appreciated though.
the people in that thread used to extol the virtues of other posters who posted simple one fingered renditions of music pieces that i did not find very noteworthy. i think i was ignored because they remember my bubble head and think "yeah whatever" and they scroll past and never listened.

I like your avatar.
in the art thread i posted some fractal art that i spent days calculating and refining mathematically, and there were no comments about what i posted, yet another person who posted a pencil drawn stick figure gets "wow!! ! good stuff!!"

I never go to the art part of the forums either, although I do find fractal art interesting.

that means that nobody bothered to click my links. that is because they see me as a sterile nobody and i guess i am ok with that.

That does sound as though your efforts are being overlooked. I had no idea you were such an active contributor in all the forums I never go to around here.

if the key i have does not fit the door i am trying to enter, then the only thing i can do is go elsewhere.
this site is the last time i will try to talk to people, and after i decide that this site is populated mainly by super cool groovy "autists" who consider me to be insignificant, i will become a hermit.
i have my animals and my food and my shelter and my strange talents and i can entertain myself forever.

That would be a shame as I do not believe I am the only one who enjoys your posts and would miss you if you did not return. But you must do what makes you happiest and most content.

yes 3 very bad things have happened to me since jan 12, and until i am feeling settled and secure again, i can not be in the frame of mind for humor.

i am very sad at the moment and maybe i should not post here until i become happy again because my posts carry a bit of a forlorn flavor at the moment.

I am sorry to hear that you have suffered recent misfortune. I hope you feeling more happy again soon.

thanks for being a nice person.

You are more than welcome, really I was just being honest. Thanks for being you. I think you are more appreciated than realise at times.


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03 Feb 2010, 8:54 am

b9 wrote:
i was rash in saying that i was at the "bottom" of the "pecking orders". there are other people here who are also not taken seriously or considered much. i am not really concerned about my place on social pecking orders because if what i said was used as fuel for much further discussion, i would feel that it is a chore to remain involved in those conversations.
but on the other hand, sometimes i very much consider what i am going to say and take much effort to post my comment, and i read those threads the next day to see what responses i got, and i am surprised to see that there are many more pages of conversation without any indication that what i said was read. then i sometimes think "what a waste of energy that post of mine was".

I think that's just "the internet", and it's not necessarily done with malice; it's easy enough to overlook things, and maintaining a constant watch on several different boards is time-consuming!

i will refine my meaning to say that i do not think i am at the absolute bottom, but just not high up enough to effect the flow of discussion. what i say is rarely considered to be a source of fuel for further debate.

I hope you aren't. I don't think you are. I hope there isn't any kind of pecking order!

goodness gracious .it is absurd to me that a typo can become entrenched in peoples vocabulary.

I disagree completely. :D Words change all the time, and it's only recently that widespread printing standardised a lot of spellings. The speed of change that the internet and mobile phones have returned to us is a return to the status quo rather than a terrible decline in standards. :)

yes i know it is an exclamatory expression, but why do they say "oh their god"?
do they mean the words they say? or is it just a set of phonetic sounds that they have heard said by others many times, and they use it because they have heard it many times to express surprise?
if they had never heard that expression, would they be likely to come up with it in their own minds as a valid way of describing their surprise?

where did that expression come from? who first said it? do people adopt it because they think the persons who they heard say it are "cool"?

i can never understand. i never use the "expression" because it does not express anything that means sense to me. but so many people here do, and that is why i mentioned it.

I suspect most people would come up with "Oh God!" even without hearing anyone else say it, but the "my" does seem superfluous. I know what you mean, though, the kids here say "I swear to God!" a lot, (well, "uzwahrtaGodt!", more like :lol: ) without (apparently) having any idea what they're saying. :roll: They certainly don't mean "I make a sincere religious oath upon my very fundamental beliefs!"

On the other hand, when there's a disaster or something unpleasant, people are probably meaning exactly what they say; if someone is watching a house burn down and invokes God, they're probably thinking about what they're saying. Even if they're an atheist. ^^

no i do not want to be part of a clique at all. i think you misinterpret the reason i wrote the post that you are responding to. i was trying to infer with my whole post that i think that many members here are not AS. i am merely defining core differences in me to the average members of this site. i could not care less (except when i am verbose in a post and i am ignored (and only then because i realize i could have made some progress doing other things that night))

I don't agree. I think the place is diverse enough that each of us will be considerably different from many other people here. I hadn't got the impression that you were out of place, though. :?

i used to post songs i wrote and performed in the music thread, and no one ever commented on my stuff even though in my mind it was comment worthy.

Heh. I'm translating (for fun) a long poem out of Middle English into Modern, and I'm worried that if I post it it'll be ignored. :? You just can't rely on people sharing your interests online. I don't think I've seen your songwriting thread but I would be interested in seeing it at least.

the people in that thread used to extol the virtues of other posters who posted simple one fingered renditions of music pieces that i did not find very noteworthy. i think i was ignored because they remember my bubble head and think "yeah whatever" and they scroll past and never listened.

That would be galling. :(

in the art thread i posted some fractal art that i spent days calculating and refining mathematically, and there were no comments about what i posted, yet another person who posted a pencil drawn stick figure gets "wow!! ! good stuff!!"

And again galling. :(

that means that nobody bothered to click my links. that is because they see me as a sterile nobody and i guess i am ok with that.

:( If you're writing your own songs you've got a lot better imagination than me, for one. Best I can do is rewrite what someone else has written. But anyone who expects all people to have a good imagination is being silly. We can't all be talented artists!

this site is the last time i will try to talk to people, and after i decide that this site is populated mainly by super cool groovy "autists" who consider me to be insignificant, i will become a hermit.
i have my animals and my food and my shelter and my strange talents and i can entertain myself forever.

I would rather you stayed. :? Best wishes (sincere and not formulaic ones! :lol: )

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03 Feb 2010, 12:58 pm

pandd wrote:
b9 wrote:
but on the other hand, sometimes i very much consider what i am going to say and take much effort to post my comment, and i read those threads the next day to see what responses i got, and i am surprised to see that there are many more pages of conversation without any indication that what i said was read. then i sometimes think "what a waste of energy that post of mine was".

The thing is if what you have said seems largely correct, and is comprehensive, it does not necessarily invite comment. I cannot talk for everyone else (obviously) but for myself I usually do not see the point of commenting just to tell someone that I agree....I guess I figure no one needs my endorsement and probably would see it as arrogance if I went around giving approval everytime I thought someone's comments were correct, insightful and comprehensive. I tend to comment when I disagree or believe I can offer some elaboration. Most of your posts are fairly comprehensive and sensible. Perhaps people might feel they do not have much of anything to add.
I agree with pandd.

also, I haven't noticed a clique. if there is one, then I'm not in it because I don't like them.

Last edited by bhetti on 03 Feb 2010, 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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03 Feb 2010, 1:11 pm

lol these days its hard to get a formal diagnosis especially if your getting on in years and just because you get something certified by a doctor it doesnt make it right doctors are prone to mistakes and in this tick box world we live in its hard to get a diagnosis in aspergers because its a spectrum when i went to the doctors and he talked to my mother he just said aspergers lol ive been trying to get officially diagnosed since 14 but not many doctors consider themselves experts in this field so they will only unofficially do it they're still looking for me lol and i have to constantly remind them so thats how good doctors are and i personally dont think aspergers syndrome is something someone would choose to have


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05 Feb 2010, 3:57 pm

They could. It took over a year for me to get a diagnosis. I chalk this up to going in for it as a grown WOMAN, but yes...


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05 Feb 2010, 6:20 pm

I thought I had a bit of a headache yesterday but I couldn't possibly have,because I never got it officially diagnosed by a doctor. :)

I have lost the will to be apathetic


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05 Feb 2010, 6:24 pm

pluto wrote:
I thought I had a bit of a headache yesterday but I couldn't possibly have,because I never got it officially diagnosed by a doctor. :)

If you don't believe in dragons it is curiously true, that the dragons you disparage choose to not believe in you.


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05 Feb 2010, 7:16 pm

pluto wrote:
I thought I had a bit of a headache yesterday but I couldn't possibly have,because I never got it officially diagnosed by a doctor. :)

Hehehe, I currently feel kind of tired, but I won't self diagnose with tiredness, because I haven't yet gotten a doctor's opinion :D

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05 Feb 2010, 7:30 pm

I am fairly outraged by the idiocy that has gone on here since I last read the thread (It was pretty bad then too.)

As far as I can see, the whole topic has descended into a battle between elitist idiots who believe that only they have true AS. Accoding to the first group, even if an aspie has a sound diagnosis from an autism expert, he still doesn't have it, because he does not conform exactly to a certain description, far from what the DSM says. If it continues on this way, it should be locked.

Looks like it's settling down somewhat though. I'm feeling hungry, so I have to go see a doctor to get diagnosed as needing nutrition. Bye.

I prefer to believe that the universe is fundamentally absurd, and if I ignore it, it might go away.
Never assume everyone's better off than you, that's unfounded optimism.
15 and diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome

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05 Feb 2010, 9:23 pm

I'm sure someone in these 31 pages has said basically the same thing I'm about to, but here goes. I used to be a self-diagnosed aspie. I first read about AS in an online article about a year ago, and after that I read pretty much every book and article I could get my hands on. After months of research I felt very confident that I had AS. And I got it right - I was officially diagnosed last November.

Yes, I can see how someone could mistakenly think they have AS, especially without doing much research. But I believe that people who are knowledgeable about AS and have a decent understanding of themselves are capable of making an accurate self-diagnosis.


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06 Feb 2010, 2:32 am

Cicely wrote:
I'm sure someone in these 31 pages has said basically the same thing I'm about to, but here goes. I used to be a self-diagnosed aspie. I first read about AS in an online article about a year ago, and after that I read pretty much every book and article I could get my hands on. After months of research I felt very confident that I had AS. And I got it right - I was officially diagnosed last November.

Yes, I can see how someone could mistakenly think they have AS, especially without doing much research. But I believe that people who are knowledgeable about AS and have a decent understanding of themselves are capable of making an accurate self-diagnosis.

Glad to hear you got some confirmation! Even though it's not necessary to get a professional to tell you, it's still nice for closure.

I have a feeling that a lot of people who self-diagnose become very knowledgeable about it because it becomes an obsession when they first get a hunch. That's what happened to me when I first heard I had it; I looked up everything I could find.

I'm never gonna dance again, Aspie feet have got no rhythm.


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06 Feb 2010, 5:21 am

This thread makes me smile. I'm glad so many of us have a good sense of humour.
I'm off to ring the doctors. I think I might be tired, but I can't go to sleep until I've had it confirmed.

If you don't believe in dragons it is curiously true, that the dragons you disparage choose to not believe in you.


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06 Feb 2010, 7:22 am

What about if I don't want to have AS today and I manage to act normally so my AS doesn't show, does it mean I don't have it?

If I had managed to fool the person who diagnosed me into thinking I was an NT, would that make me an NT?

This is a very interesting thread and I would really love to be able to meet people for more than a few times before they start realising that I am a bit different. "Weird" is an uncomfortable word to hear when you just start thinking you have made it to normalcy.