How do you score on the Autism-Spectrum Quotient test?

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Snowy Owl
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04 Jun 2009, 11:24 pm

Yeah I got a probably in the middle somewhere?

Sea Gull
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04 Jun 2009, 11:27 pm

marshall wrote:
I scored 26 even with being an introvert.

I think this test will give a false negative for having an ASD in some cases. I don't like it.

Extroverts will score artificially low as will people who are imaginative or have an intuitive/analytical thinking style. Not all aspes are introverts and not all aspies enjoy concrete factual information.

Personally I detest categories and rote memorization. I'm more of a theorist. I'm extremely lazy when it comes to remembering facts and quoting sources. I enjoy inferring things and looking for broader patterns and implications. I always want to understand the larger picture, how everything fits together. Most NT's are more black-and-white / concrete than I am. I go against the aspie stereotype of being literal minded, concrete, and full of facts/trivia. I'm the polar opposite. Pointless detail and trivia annoy me.

Yes, it's not going to be totally accurate for everyone, especially when you scored a 26 (which you still scored high compared to how the population does). However, quite a few studies have found that it's good as a casual screening process, not all the detailed diagnostic work.

If found this study really interesting:

S. Baron-Cohen, S. Wheelwright, R. Skinner, J. Martin and E. Clubley, (2001) The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) : Evidence from Asperger Syndrome/High Functioning Autism, Males and Females, Scientists and Mathematicians Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 31:5-17

They gave it to a random selection group of diagnosed Asperger's/HFA, a random selection group of non-diagnosed subjects (control group), and a random selection group of students from university. 80% of all the diagnosed Asperger's/HFA scored 32+ and the mean for them was about 36. Only 2% of the control group scored above 32. So, to me it sounds like it can give false negatives, but not so much in false positives.

I looked at the studies charts and there were a couple of the diagnosed Asperger's/HFA who scored in the high teens or lower twenties, although more rare. Most of them scored 26 or above, then once it got to the 30's it shot up.

It made me think because they also gave the test to Math Olympiad subjects and math students at the university, and they only scored in the lower 20's, so it would seem like there's more to Autistic-like traits than just nerd-like. It seems like the test is not perfect, but from testing it would seem like a good rough estimate, especially in not giving a false positive if you score high.

So to test the AQ test for myself, I decided to see how people in this forum score. I also want to go to some other forms and ask people randomly to take it, just so I can see how they do. I was thinking of finding an OCD forum to see if it can differentiate them from Asperger's/HFA, since there is the repetitive nature. It may be that many diagnosed with OCD may also be Autistic Spectrum.

Here are some of the studies I found on this test: ... t.asp?id=6


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05 Jun 2009, 1:00 am

NicksQuestions wrote:
So to test the AQ test for myself, I decided to see how people in this forum score. I also want to go to some other forms and ask people randomly to take it, just so I can see how they do. I was thinking of finding an OCD forum to see if it can differentiate them from Asperger's/HFA, since there is the repetitive nature. It may be that many diagnosed with OCD may also be Autistic Spectrum.

I'd be interested. The main thing differentiating normal OCD and autism related routines/obsessions is that normal OCD is mostly anxiety driven. I always derived pleasure from my repetitive interests and activities. Some of my perseverations are related to anxiety but most are not.

I'm actually diagnosed PDD-NOS rather than HFA or AS. It seems I'm an outlier in some ways. I score in the NT range or higher on all the body language and ToM related tests. I’m not sure any of the tests on that site really get at the more subtle social difficulties I must still have. I've always been very repetitive in my interests, poor at making small-talk, dysfunctionally perfectionistic, and prone to severe anxiety. I was also very sensitive to loud sound/music and had frequent rages/melt-downs as a child.


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05 Jun 2009, 1:54 am

marshall wrote:
dysfunctionally perfectionistic

Oooh, that is such a perfect phrase. I'm going to write it down somewhere. Fits me to a T.

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05 Jun 2009, 2:38 am

I scored 40.

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05 Jun 2009, 2:44 am

I have taken it a couple of times. Once I got 42, the other time I got 39.


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05 Jun 2009, 6:38 pm

i took it twice, both times i got 16
but i have been diagnosed with AS
odd.. 8O


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05 Jun 2009, 7:26 pm

jawbrodt wrote:
I scored 40.

I got that score too.
I took this a few times. I got 40 two times in a row. My minimum score of all times I took it was 32.
I told my RL aspie friend that I got 40 and he was shocked. :lol:

Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).

Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.

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05 Jun 2009, 7:54 pm


Tufted Titmouse
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06 Jun 2009, 6:32 am

Score is 43 here.

Diagnosed with Schizophrenia in 2010 but doctor said I didn't have Autism


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06 Jun 2009, 6:36 am

I score some 40+ (43? forgot, was yesterday) on the EQ test.

I don't have empathy.

I do get told I have lots empathy by laypeople and professional who don't know ASD (only other disabilities).

I conclude: copying means you can cheat the system though you've never changed one bit.

Can't read faces at all (despite that I'm HFA and even those with LFA supposedly have some basic ability), do not 'connect', still don't (despite my age and development) 'get' social/emotional contexts of peers and older people (lots of everyday misunderstandings there, me feeling alien) and I notice every day, every time I talk to people.

Still, a score in the 40s is a score in the 40s.

No wonder so many people hate me. They think I'm faking my noticeable deficits.

Autism + ADHD
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Blue Jay
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06 Jun 2009, 6:51 am

41 on the wired test and 13 on the empathy test, I was quite surprised by that empathy one though I thought I might do better considering I normally get good marks in tests.


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06 Jun 2009, 7:11 am

I got 35. I didnt understand the question "I am a good diplomat"... I dont know how a diplomat is...?! ! :?
also on some questions that I know is very typical for AS I ticked the complete opposite but I still do have AS!



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06 Jun 2009, 7:53 am

People with "just" OCD will probably score high on this IMO.

The repetitive compulsions and rituals leads to great covert ability, and the introspection this causes plus the common "type-a" and obsessive demeanour of those with such will create an eccentric and odd individual with subtle social problems as an adult.

I'm betting people on OCD forums will score higher than normal controls.


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06 Jun 2009, 8:21 am

Danielismyname wrote:
People with "just" OCD will probably score high on this IMO.

The repetitive compulsions and rituals leads to great covert ability, and the introspection this causes plus the common "type-a" and obsessive demeanour of those with such will create an eccentric and odd individual with subtle social problems as an adult.

I'm betting people on OCD forums will score higher than normal controls.

i'm dx'ed OCD&ADHD but not AS & as suggested i scored quite high.. methinks i have AS too, but maybe not..?

Sea Gull
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06 Jun 2009, 1:05 pm

35 this time and 40 when I did it before. The wife did it for me and answered as she thought I would answer, she managed to get 42 for me :) .