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08 May 2010, 1:42 am

fiddlerpianist wrote:
I can't recall the last time my head didn't have a tune going around in it. It's nonstop.

same. usually it's something i heard recently, but there is always something playing. i don't know how to think without it. i don't think i could turn it off if i tried. (now playing: Pat Benatar - "Hell is for children" .. beginning guitar riff / first verse)

i "write" songs in my sleep, occasionally. i wake up with them.

fiddlerpianist wrote:
This isn't a form of schizophrenia, is it? Does this happen to anyone else?

haha .. wow. i hope not.

Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.


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08 May 2010, 1:48 am

... and in any case, i've just now realized how sick i am of Pat Benatar. 8O

So i've changed the tune.

Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.

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08 May 2010, 4:19 am

same. usually it's something i heard recently, but there is always something playing. i don't know how to think without it. i don't think i could turn it off if i tried. (now playing: Pat Benatar - "Hell is for children" .. beginning guitar riff / first verse)[quote]

wow, I honestly thought this was the norm. I always have tunes in my head. Often 2 or 3 tunes batteling with each other. I can hear every chord, every note, every lyric of each tune perfectly. I just presumed this was how everyone is. Saying that, at one point it got so bad I actually went to see a dictor about it as it was causing me to have insomnia. He just said "everyone has tunes in their head sometimes (yeah, sometimes). I then became scared of listening to my iPod in fear of feeding my mental playlist. This was worse however as I'd pick up rubbish music from shops, malls etc. So, iPod back on. If I have to have tunes in my head - all the better if they are of my choosing.


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08 May 2010, 7:10 am

I haven't checked the whole thread but google "musical hallucinations". It happens to many people. Though personally I never experienced anything like that, never had any kind of hallucinations, either auditory like in this case or visual, I heard about similar cases.

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12 May 2010, 3:52 pm

Hi music lovers
I don't know whether it is exclusively or mainly an AS thing, but I think there's a difference between humming a tune you have recently heard, and having tunes constantly playing. I suppose in my case it's not actually all the time but most of the time. Maybe it's a kind of regulating device to keep me calm. I once told a friend at school that I was kept awake in bed at night drumming out tunes on my pillow (I play the piano) and I am not sure she understood ! ! When I put music on to listen to, like to try new stuff (not just classical) but I choose it quite carefully as I don't want to be "flooded" in case it comes back to haunt me for too long. Anything with a strong rythm really sticks - the ones that spring to mind (from my cloistered and middle-aged-person's experience) are King Crimson, Siouxsee, Prokoviev, Stravinsky, some of Oscar Peterson, Liszt, Beethoven (actually I am just listing my favourite music here, ha ha).

Musicophilia is a fascinating read

I am interested in anything to do with music and how it's perceived and even gone to the extent of writing poems about it. Some people see it in colours, others see or feel it as a kind of presence etc (I am in the latter group, I am not visual enough to see the colour thing). Anyone experienced this?


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12 May 2010, 6:32 pm

MuteEleganceofStars wrote:
I am interested in anything to do with music and how it's perceived and even gone to the extent of writing poems about it. Some people see it in colours,

that's a type of synesthesia.

i am trying to figure out if i have sound > touch and vision > touch synesthesia, but these are rare types and i can't find much written about them. what happens is if i listen to certain types of music or focus on certain types of movement, i get a physical sensation from it. mostly in my head, almost like a drug high or the opposite of a headache. like a little brain massage. but it might just be a sort of music-induced and visually induced hypnosis.

it happens with some classical, and a lot of electronic / ambient stuff esp. Aphex Twin - and it's interesting to note that Richard D. James has synesthesia himself. the types of visuals that induce it are psychedelic animations, fractals, someone drawing or swirling a hand in the air, and that sort of thing.

Now a penguin may look very strange in a living room, but a living room looks very strange to a penguin.


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12 May 2010, 7:10 pm

Yesterday I had megatest of very difficult subject. I woke up and This Little Something in my head played a song of Tic Tac Toe:
deine B-I-R-N-E ist total H-O-H-L, absolut L-E-E-R
what means
your N-O-D-D-L-E is totally E-M-P-T-Y, absolute V-O-I-D

It was really terrible feeling :lol:

Change Your Frequency, when you're talking to me!
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12 May 2010, 7:30 pm

*Listens to Pokemon theme in the back of my head*
I once had no song in my head for almost 10 minutes straight. I was a bit scared.

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17 May 2010, 11:29 am

Hello fellow sensitive souls

That’s really interesting what Katzefrau says, I wonder if it is similar to what I experience. One thing I have noticed in the last few years that’s a really strange visual sensation is this:

Often when really tired – felling quite weak and a bit wobbly as if the slightest thing would knock me over. Looking out of a hotel / office window onto traffic and the bustle of people below. I can sense the movement of each individual car and it’s like I can feel them moving in my head. Similiarly if I am in one of my tired states and am out in a busy street, my vision goes really strange like lines and perspective all bend and squash like I am inside some strange computer game. If there are loads of people going to and fro I feel like I am dragged in a humdred directions by each person.

Something else too - not sure how odd this makes me but here goes. For many years I have been fascinated by trees and how they move and dance in the wind ! Puts me in a kind of trance as the sensation is so lovely, especially at this time of year. A bit like taking drugs (I imagine) and it's free !

Has anyone else experienced anything like this ?
Also does anyone else feel or hear music as some kind of shape or movement ? If so I would love to hear from you.



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17 May 2010, 12:29 pm

MuteEleganceofStars wrote:
Often when really tired – felling quite weak and a bit wobbly as if the slightest thing would knock me over. Looking out of a hotel / office window onto traffic and the bustle of people below. I can sense the movement of each individual car and it’s like I can feel them moving in my head. Similiarly if I am in one of my tired states and am out in a busy street, my vision goes really strange like lines and perspective all bend and squash like I am inside some strange computer game. If there are loads of people going to and fro I feel like I am dragged in a humdred directions by each person.

I think this is fairly common amongst people here. I don't know the term for it but I call it "temporary sensory disintegration," where the senses stop working together and all kind of work separately. This used to happen to me more than it does now. I have to be pretty darned tired for it to happen, but I think I know what you are talking about.

MuteEleganceofStars wrote:
Something else too - not sure how odd this makes me but here goes. For many years I have been fascinated by trees and how they move and dance in the wind ! Puts me in a kind of trance as the sensation is so lovely, especially at this time of year. A bit like taking drugs (I imagine) and it's free !

Patterns of nature are something that many enjoy. I personally love watching the wind ripple through tall grass, or watching the frost slowly melt behind a moving shadow. Trees are fun to watch, too.

MuteEleganceofStars wrote:
Also does anyone else feel or hear music as some kind of shape or movement ? If so I would love to hear from you.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean. I hear musical shapes, if you will, and assemble patterns of them together in my head almost effortlessly... but I don't literally hear shapes.

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17 May 2010, 1:19 pm

I hear music, instead of voices. I used to hear voices, and that wasn't very pleasant, as they were abusive voices, from my past. I'd rather hear my favourite music, playing in my head. :)

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17 May 2010, 1:24 pm

fiddlerpianist wrote:
I can't recall the last time my head didn't have a tune going around in it. It's nonstop. Though I can concentrate on other things, it's still there going on in the back of my head. It's more than just an "earworm"; it's different music from day to day (and often hour to hour). My musical brain works very strongly by association, so if something sounds like something else, it's possible it will be the next thing stuck in my head.

This isn't a form of schizophrenia, is it? Does this happen to anyone else?

I dont think its schizophrenia. Are the songs other artists songs or are they just songs that you hear, that come from nowhere? If so I have that. I also have synesthesia, I can smell/taste sounds.

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05 Dec 2011, 1:19 pm

Aimless wrote:
My son hears music-I was curious about it and looked it up on line and all the info seemed focused on mental illness. I don't buy it though. I think some peoples brains are just more creative. He also says there is a movie behind his eyes whenever he closes them. I used to see quite a bit of imagery but less so after meds. Now I have to be in alpha state. I've come to the conclusion that there is no particular meaning behind the images, just the flotsam and jetsam of my stream of consciousness. I have heard a few musicians state that they hear their compositions in their entirety in their head and they just write them down. Last one I remember was John Mellencamp. I'm curious though about music in your head and images. On rare occasion I have closed my eyes and seen a very clear image that stays stationary so it's like looking at a photograph (mostly they change constantly) do you hear the music the same way? BTW my son says the music he hears he's never heard before.

this is exactly what happens to me. I hear tunes that sound familiar, but dont exist. The music i hear is randomly generated and there is a certain melodic pattern that is rarely used in music. Songs like moonlight sonata movements 1 and 3 have this pattern. If every musician had this then they would all have over 100 albums that sound perfect rather than just maybe 3 good songs. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia but i dunno if this is involved with it. If it was, then maybe we could start hiring us into the music field (most likely as ghostwriters though). Also that picture shifting gets kid of annoying, i see things that if i could draw would make a masterpiece, but they shift so rapidly that i cant draw it. Its just like trying to draw a cloud. I think artists dont shift their images and that enables them to draw what they see or think.

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05 Dec 2011, 1:30 pm

Yes once I've heard a song, whether I like it or not it will play in my head on an end-less loop and I will hear it clearly with all the vocals and the instrumental sounds in the background, guess I don't need headphones do I? I can just listen to it in my mind.

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03 Apr 2012, 10:11 pm

I also have a tendency to get music stuck in my head, but like many others who have posted here, it's more than just an earworm.
It's almost always a piece in its entirety replaying itself in my head EXACTLY as I heard it, note for note.
When I hear music (particularly music I like), I see very abstract colors, shapes, and textures (although sometimes they will take on very tangible forms). Using these mental cues, I can remember a piece of music which is very complicated with almost 100% accuracy. Music also quite often stimulates incredibly strong emotions for me (those that you feel in the pit of your stomach). In music I like, I feel an incredible sense of satisfaction which makes the images I see all the more vivid. For music that has lyrics, I will also remember the lyrics, but this process is no different from how I associate words in my head. I see the word in its entirety in my mind's eye and they just flash up in sequence with the music visualization (which is now taking place in the background).

Over the years, I've probably memorized hundreds of songs inadvertently due to these processes. However, I know that I can somehow influence these occurrances by looking at an image during the first time I'm hearing a new song. For example, I have memorized over 50 national anthems both the music and the lyrics in their native languages. However, one key difference here is that I typically associate the image of each respective country's flag with its anthem.

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05 Apr 2012, 8:59 pm

I also get music stuck in my head with almost perfect realism as it replays over and over again. Like you are really hearing it again. Different topic.

What I would like to know is if other people experience "new, not necessarily real music" like I do. It is a little hard to explain (I asked my bf and he blew it off as music coming from another apartment...except this has been happening since I was a child. House, apartment, any hour).

Typically happens in a room with great echo capabilities (bathroom), but not always. I literally hear faint music (lyrics and all frequently), in numerous genres. This is not music I have heard before. If I had any musical talent, I would so make the craziest pop, rock, hip hop, jazz, country, classical, electronic album ever produced.

Anyone else have this kind of experience?

Bill92 wrote:
I also have a tendency to get music stuck in my head, but like many others who have posted here, it's more than just an earworm.
It's almost always a piece in its entirety replaying itself in my head EXACTLY as I heard it, note for note.
When I hear music (particularly music I like), I see very abstract colors, shapes, and textures (although sometimes they will take on very tangible forms). Using these mental cues, I can remember a piece of music which is very complicated with almost 100% accuracy. Music also quite often stimulates incredibly strong emotions for me (those that you feel in the pit of your stomach). In music I like, I feel an incredible sense of satisfaction which makes the images I see all the more vivid. For music that has lyrics, I will also remember the lyrics, but this process is no different from how I associate words in my head. I see the word in its entirety in my mind's eye and they just flash up in sequence with the music visualization (which is now taking place in the background).

Over the years, I've probably memorized hundreds of songs inadvertently due to these processes. However, I know that I can somehow influence these occurrances by looking at an image during the first time I'm hearing a new song. For example, I have memorized over 50 national anthems both the music and the lyrics in their native languages. However, one key difference here is that I typically associate the image of each respective country's flag with its anthem.