executive ordering dysfunction and AS
I have no trouble with the second definition (strong sense of self preservation) but probably less so with family.
What I'm ultimately curious about is it seems that the classic description of an Aspie is that one is very logical,ordered and rule based. I have trouble with eye contact, social relationships,odd self stim habits,highly focused interests but I am not like that classic Aspie description at all. What's the difference? Is it the presence or absence of executive order dysfunction?
Is it the difference between NVLD and AS?
I am more visual than verbal.
In my own way, my executive function is not that good but, this in itself is not totally made upon the case of having AS.Rather suffering brain damage from a coma several years ago has contributed to a great deal of my executive tasks and all as, in the way I'm able to carry them out with little or no difficulty.Anyways, I've learned to deal with many of the troubles I face from daily life as best as possible so, I do as best as possible to not let various problems hinder me in my daily life as a person.
There are certain things in life that I just DETEST and HATE doing. The idea of packing all my belongings and moving horrifies me. Also figuring out who to call and what to do when something breaks. Figuring out where to get something I need but don't have in the house also aggravates me. I'm quite forgetful on top of it all. I think it would be worth paying some kind of personal home assistant to take care of all the crap I don't like to deal with.
I also get really bent out of shape and angry whenever other people move my stuff and I can't find things I'm looking for. I have to keep looking and looking until I find the item I'm looking for. I can't stop and do something else very easily. I'll even cancel appointments and such because of this.
I don't know. Maybe I'm just extremely neurotic. So many little things trigger my nerves and overwhelm me. Then so many NT's are just like "oh well whatever" and expect me not to not react or get overwhelmed/stressed/angry. I'm a nervous wreck even compared to other aspies.
Wow, everything you wrote here I could've said about myself and I'm supposedly an NT! I do manage to keep the house clean and I did raise my kids alone (with a lot of depression and struggle tho), but I have started wondering if maybe I'm undiagnosed ADD/ADHD, since these 'symptoms' are consistent with attention deficit as well. When I've self-assessed for it, I score pretty darn high. I'm so wrapped up in helping my AS/BPD husband that I haven't really taken the time to go see about what's up with my own brain wiring... your post definitely has given me pause to think tho. Hmmmm....