Screaming kids! Anyone else can't stand the noise?

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29 Nov 2009, 8:22 am

My son never did that. I think I'll keep him.


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30 Nov 2009, 6:28 am

TallyMan wrote:
Do others have similar (extreme) reactions / problems with the noise of young kids screaming and shrieking?

Yes, it's among the worst sounds imaginable.

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30 Nov 2009, 6:31 am

I walk up and ask "Hey hey... what's the problem?", they kinda stare at me in amazement for a second or two, then I start offering suggestions, pointing to things I can see that might be upsetting them.

Works great... helping raise 6 sisters and 4 others teaches you a lot.


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30 Nov 2009, 7:53 am

justMax wrote:
I walk up and ask "Hey hey... what's the problem?", they kinda stare at me in amazement for a second or two, then I start offering suggestions, pointing to things I can see that might be upsetting them.

Works great... helping raise 6 sisters and 4 others teaches you a lot.

lol, "others".

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30 Nov 2009, 10:36 am

Well, 4 other children from infant/near infant til several years old, plus the numerous others, babysat the neighbors son for a few years til some moron judge awarded his mom custody back, giving Arthur visitation... keep in mind that this was while the mom had never paid child support (Art had custody for years), was trying to get full child support from Art WHILE HE HAD CUSTODY, and was claiming Elijah on her taxes as a full dependent.

His mom may be a user, and a liar, but we helped Art turn EJ into a cool, sweet kid, so at least there is that.

I can honestly say I've changed more diapers, made more bottles, took care of more babies, and all that jazz, than a large percentage of women.

If you left me alone with a baby when I was 6 for a day or two, when you came home, the baby would be happy, healthy, and clean.


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30 Nov 2009, 5:30 pm

I hate children who are constantly left unsupervised and causing trouble. I hate even moreso the parents who allow these children to scream as if it werent bothering them.

My friend and I were sitting in a restaraunt behind this booth with a screaming kid. My friend, who was closer to the screaming, heard the dad sternly say to the kid "you think I'm ignoring you now...wait till we get to the car". And that finally shut the kid up! :lol:


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01 Dec 2009, 9:36 am

Screaming babies dont bother me since thats the only way that they communicate. children older than 4 drive me nuts. i tell them to shut up and behave, so im usually the mean b***h. in recent years ive learned to shut up myself and just deal with it. sometimes when my patience isnt stretched out i will try and rationalize with as if they retain some scrap of wit. like asking them why they are crying and bitching over barbie in the toy aisle and why do they need it so much. if they cant answer with some intelligence i just ignore them after. i think i behave much better with rotten children than i used to, but somebody here will likely accuse me of being a b***h just like my family does in real life... :cry:


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01 Dec 2009, 9:45 am

I also can't stand screaming kids. My reason is a little bit different, though. The reason that I don't like the screaming kids, is because I know that their parents are physically or verbally abusing them, and if it was up to me, no kid would have to go through that, therefore they wouldn't have to scream.

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09 Aug 2010, 9:46 am

Many people say that NTs can filter out loud screaming brats, but I know that isn't true. My mum is a NT and she hates the sound of small children screaming. It really hurts her ears too. And my dad. It depends on how patient you are, and how high or low your tolerance skills are. Most Aspies have low tolerance skills, especially for noise, which is why we show our frustration more and feel more upset at the racket. Everyone else around can hear the brat just as clearly as you can, only they can cope with it better or have learnt to ignore it easier.

I can't stand the sound of small children, especially in the bus. If one sits behind me, I get up and move. I'll rather do that than lash out at it, because that is what I'll probably do if I didn't get up and move in the first place, and I don't want that to happen, otherwise I'll make a fool of myself, and get myself thrown off the bus and even banned, and also the mother will probably phone the police.

f*****g NTs - they haven't got a clue about people with low tolerance skills, like Aspies. That's what f***s me off about most of them. (Not family/friends/ect though) Just NTs in public.


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09 Aug 2010, 9:56 am

I can tolerate a tiny baby, because they don't throw horrible tantrums - they only cry when they want feeding or changing, or even love. You can amuse them easier, just by waving a toy in it's face, or kissing it, or soothing it to sleep. But with a toddler - sometimes you can't ever please them. And most of the time they're shrieking and wailing just to be naughty, or if they are being naughty and the parents yell at them - it turns on the waterworks and causes a meltdown. Then the whole shop/bus/street has to put up with the tantrum of this one kid.

But let me explain the theory of my confusion of toddlers:-

If baby lion cubs don't develop a roar 'til they're big, then how come toddlers have developed a voice louder than 100 adults put together before they're 2? How come the pressure of their scream doesn't shatter their heart or something? Why has nature given them such a god-awful roar? Why can't toddlers voices get louder and stronger as they're growing up, so that by the time they've developed their verbal skills they have built up a loud voice, therefore will have outgrown the screaming stage anyways?

They sound louder when trapped in a bus with one screaming it's ugly head off. They're louder than world war 2!


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09 Aug 2010, 10:13 am

Jaythefordman wrote:
Cats are quite capable of cleaning themselves. I've never understood why people will insist on washing them, they are not dogs.

The only time we've ever washed a cat was when we had our kitten fall into a bucket of used motor oil. Trying to bite back laughter at this poor, distressed, oil soaked kitten we proceeded to shampoo her a number of times. Worked pretty good, but she smelled of oil for weeks after. We still have her 8 years on :)

But, coming back on topic, I HATE screaming kids, and any similar screechy noise.

Cats may be able to clean themselves but they sometimes need a little help. A body licked by a tounge that has licked paws that have been in the litterbox isn't my idea of clean. My cat gets a bath every month. Yeah, everytime I hear a child screech I want to smack them upside the head. Maybe I am hypocritical, my mom says I would scream at the drop of a hat as a child. If the air conditioner came on or when the heater (it made an awful click noise) came on I would scream. Luckily we lived in the boonies if we lived near civalation my parents might have had CPS called on the hourly basis.

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09 Aug 2010, 10:54 am

I can usually tune it out, but what I really can't stand is when I'm in a car, airplane, etc, and some stupid kid is kicking my chair, especially when my mum tells me that the social rules prohibit me for telling the idiot to stop it :x


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09 Aug 2010, 11:53 am

I don't think ANYONE can deal with the sound of screaming kids- AS or NT alike!


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09 Aug 2010, 3:54 pm

Kiseki wrote:
I don't think ANYONE can deal with the sound of screaming kids- AS or NT alike!

I agree.


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09 Aug 2010, 6:20 pm

As a parent of a child with ASD, I can say that just because they are screaming does not mean that they are being abused. For the most part, when a child screams, it is because they are frustrated because they are not getting what they want, and this is the quickest way to communicate that. Especially if they are not verbal, or if they get overwhelmed in trying to communicate when they are upset. I believe most children go through a "screaming" stage before they learn how to talk. When my son was about 2, he would just scream out in a store for absolutely no reason that I could see. Maybe his senses were being overloaded, and I just didn't know it. I did start trying to do all of my shopping or errands when he was at school or with his dad. But sometimes, there are the errands that you just absolutely have to do, and you have no choice. Trust me, I was totally embarrassed when my son would scream, and I would just try to exit the store as quickly as possible.Usually, nothing I could do would make him be quiet. I really never understood how people can just go leisurely shopping when this is going on! Now that my son is 5, it is getting better, he doesn't scream in stores, but he will scream if he is around other children at a playground or a children's play area, and another child upsets him. That is really scary, because sometimes he starts hitting at me and waving his arms wildly too.

I agree too, that there are some parents though that seem to not really be that concerned about it. I think that maybe they have several children, and they are just desensitized to it! LOL!


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09 Aug 2010, 6:59 pm

I actually was led to found my AS social group at least in part due to a screaming child at another group; the child's parent would attend the meetings and simply set the kid down and let it scream the whole time, at least one member of that group took to bringing earplugs to the meetings because of it. To this day one of the few rules at my meetings is no small children, so many of us have sensory issues that it's really not fair to inflict that sort of thing on everyone.

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