SplendidSnail wrote:
Try this. First thing in the morning when you get up having not heard any other music, start singing a song you know well. Just the first few notes. Then start playing a recording of that song. If the notes you sang exactly match the notes that are played back, I'd say you might have perfect pitch.
That's a lot easier than just hearing a single note and being able to name it, though. At the high end of my range, I can usually tell exactly where the notes are, just by the feeling of my vocal chords, and knowing which notes my voice starts to crack on. Although someone who is very familiar with a certain instrument (like piano) might have a similar ability, just from judging the quality in the timbre of the note.
Similarly, I have a note or two that I just cannot hit when I whistle. I can hit plenty of notes below and above it, but just not
that specific note. I never took the time to find out which note it is, though =)
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...