KazigluBey wrote:
I see where you are coming from now. No, I meant the former (aren't here voting). Quite often when I look at questions, I pan back a ways and look at the bigger picture and then fail to adequately note where I'm coming from. I'm sure most, if not all, of the persons who voted yes in the poll where well aware of what they were talking about. I meant only to respond about the question in general and not as it relates solely to the forum (basing my statement on the language in the original question using the term, "autism" which is more inclusive than just this forum).
Apologies for the misunderstanding and I'm glad you pointed this out as it keeps me on my toes and paying attention to what I say.
I don't agree that "most people, if not all, of the persons who voted yes in the poll where well aware of what they were talking about."
Some are just kids still, some may live comfy lives supported by another, or by a government. These sort of cushions take away from the reality of the situation. That is.. without whatever support they are getting they may fail to function in the working world and end up living on the streets. I don't want a cure for myself, I just want to get a job. I can work, I don't have to be social to do that. Although, if all approaches failed to acquire that, I may want the cure. It is better to be safe and independent, than it is to be a on the streets, or a leech of society.
Those who advocate growth and sense of self and all that yadda. Hate to break it to you, but if you got a cure, and you didn't like the new "you" you could still do all that growing and crap you talk about and perhaps find a new sense of you. If you didn't like it, you could grow even more! Bury your damn head in dirt and water yourself! Grow like a weed!
Also, part of growing is challenging yourself. By not challenging yourself, you're not growing. Sounds to me like people want the good (challenging what they want) without the bad (challenging their problems).
Permanently inane.