earthmom wrote:
Those in my life (and there aren't that many) who know all about Asperger's tend to say "I know you have Aspergers but " and then go on to criticize something that is textbook AS. Like, I was going on and on about something.
Or I don't seem to be nice when I speak to them. I've been told "I know you're Aspergers but your social skills are not good"
I just got done with a text conversation that went exactly like that. I pointed out this is like telling someone in a wheelchair that you know they have to use the wheelchair but that doesn't excuse them from NOT walking around and you're mad at them for being a jerk and not walking.
I don't use Asperger's as a crutch or as an excuse and I rarely bring it up. If someone starts criticizing me for being overly sensitive to sound (which is another one I've dealt with many times) or with smell, I tell them it's out of my control - I have a hypersensitivity to these things and altho I try to be tough or fight against it, most of the time extreme smell or sound overload causes me to become physically ill. As in stomach distress, feeling faint or a migraine. I can't change that - it's part of the hardwiring as far as I can tell.
But I've heard "I know you're Asperger but you really can't leave if the noise is too loud" ???
Isn't that a totally illogical and ridiculous kind of criticism? I know you have no legs but that's no excuse why you're not walking!
Anyone else heard this sort of thing?
Not yet, but I don't think I'll be very nice if it ever does.