Kaybee wrote:
I think my natural state is quite happy, but this is often impeded by outside forces.
This is probably how I'll describe myself and happiness.
As a child I was actually really happy most of the time. I joke about how I was "too happy" because people couldn't stand me no matter what I did, for some reason. And so welcome bullying and that kind of stuff. Somehow I still maintained the happiness throughout the crap in elementary school (my reasoning for never wanting to go to school was different than everyone elses', I just didn't like being targeted all the time for being myself.)
It kind of began to catch up with me in middle school when I started having other mental issues. In high school when the typical issues with parents began to enter the picture, and I didn't like being either at school or at home anymore, everything kind of added up and my "happiness" pretty soon dissolved, to keep it simple here.
So pretty much, if it wasn't for certain intolerant, controlling people and others that picked on anyone for being different, and if it weren't for a stupid everlasting depression, I'd be pretty happy right about now. Technically, as I've said in other threads, the problem is not Asperger's, the problem is other people. But despite that I went through a phase of misanthropy for a few weeks at one point, it's not like I hate people.
It's just that whenever I am happy, it usually is connected to me giving a cynical middle finger to other things that would rather enjoy screwing my life and my feelings up.