Kid with aspergers (supposedly) gets life in prison
pandd wrote:
Todesking wrote:
I am sorry but there is another child laying dead in a grave that will never get to do the things he loved or feel the love his parents anymore. The knuckle head only deserves the amount of compassion he showed for his victim. Odds are he will be walking the streets some day probably to repeat his crime on another innocent. But until then I hope he suffers regardless of level of sanity.
And that child will not be brought back to life by nay-saying a years old diagnosis.
The child will not be brought back to life through the suffering of the other boy. The only thing that will result from the other boy suffering is the existence of more suffering in the world. To my knowledge hating has never brought anyone back from the dead or prevented so much as a single crime. Knee jerk de-diagnosis over the internet is in my view no more effective than hatred as either a form of necromancy or a means of preventing crime.
If an insanity defence suceeded, he would not be out on the streets until deemed safe to be so. That's not the case with a fixed term sentence.
Can't do that, you know, because those eggheads in them ivory towers all are itching to release murderous psychos to slice and dice god-fearing people! It's amazing the paranoia that's out there in the supposedly sensible people out there.
Horus wrote:
I fully concur with everything you said, so no need to preach to the converted.
Still...there are a few things i'd like to add.
Not of all of the blame here can be laid at the feet of the "powers-that-be".
Needless to say....America is not some Stalinist nation like North Korea and the public DOES have some say of course.
And as evidenced from this very thread....many think this kid "deserves" far more than mere incarceration. Several have wished literal torture on him and i'd say millions of Americans would eagerly endorse it as well. Oh sure....they might object to waterboarding or the Iron Maiden to "save face". But if rape, brutal assault and constant psychological torment doesn't qualify as torture in their eyes.....I don't know what does.
That's exactly what this kid would face in general population in one of our warm and fuzzy state prisons. These people know this and they have admitted they would fully support it.
So yeah...many Americans have a big problem with our judicial system. Plenty who do simply don't think it's nearly punitive enough.
This sort of mentality is relatively unique to America insofar as most, if not all, modern western or westernized nations are concerned. And considering our per capita rate of violent crime, this mentality seems to be working wonders
Millions of Americans (particularily those who define themselves as "conservatives") are just engaged in yet another one their beloved "healthy" competitions here.
This time.... they're competing with Torquemada, the Puritans and other such highly civilized and rational folk.
Many Americans would simply dry up and blow away if they didn't have SOMEONE to demonize and torture.
And/or some holy crusade to wage against socialism, communism, terrorism, (which America has NEVER been guilty of btw. Blacks, Indians, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, Indoneisans, Iraqis, Filipinos, Nicaraguans, Cubans, Salvadorians, etc... may beg to differ ) liberalism, atheism, hollywood, heavy metal music, hip-hop music, any form of spirituality aside from Judeo-Christianity, video games, secular humanism, drugs, prostitution, evolution, reason, science, books, brain cells, vaccines, cartoon characters who look too effeminate for James Dobson's comfort, infinitum.
Welcome to the United States of Bellevue.
I fully concur with everything you said, so no need to preach to the converted.
Still...there are a few things i'd like to add.
Not of all of the blame here can be laid at the feet of the "powers-that-be".
Needless to say....America is not some Stalinist nation like North Korea and the public DOES have some say of course.
And as evidenced from this very thread....many think this kid "deserves" far more than mere incarceration. Several have wished literal torture on him and i'd say millions of Americans would eagerly endorse it as well. Oh sure....they might object to waterboarding or the Iron Maiden to "save face". But if rape, brutal assault and constant psychological torment doesn't qualify as torture in their eyes.....I don't know what does.
That's exactly what this kid would face in general population in one of our warm and fuzzy state prisons. These people know this and they have admitted they would fully support it.
So yeah...many Americans have a big problem with our judicial system. Plenty who do simply don't think it's nearly punitive enough.
This sort of mentality is relatively unique to America insofar as most, if not all, modern western or westernized nations are concerned. And considering our per capita rate of violent crime, this mentality seems to be working wonders
Millions of Americans (particularily those who define themselves as "conservatives") are just engaged in yet another one their beloved "healthy" competitions here.
This time.... they're competing with Torquemada, the Puritans and other such highly civilized and rational folk.
Many Americans would simply dry up and blow away if they didn't have SOMEONE to demonize and torture.
And/or some holy crusade to wage against socialism, communism, terrorism, (which America has NEVER been guilty of btw. Blacks, Indians, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, Indoneisans, Iraqis, Filipinos, Nicaraguans, Cubans, Salvadorians, etc... may beg to differ ) liberalism, atheism, hollywood, heavy metal music, hip-hop music, any form of spirituality aside from Judeo-Christianity, video games, secular humanism, drugs, prostitution, evolution, reason, science, books, brain cells, vaccines, cartoon characters who look too effeminate for James Dobson's comfort, infinitum.
Welcome to the United States of Bellevue.
Well-said... I am disgusted by the demands that people be raped in prison... people who think like that are the real threat to our safety out there. And think about this - if you go to prison and you're told that you are criminal scum and you will never get a job on the outside and you are brutalised, what do you think you'll do when you get out? Will you decide to love society and the people out there? Or perhaps would it be best to try to use your time in prison to learn the ropes to confirm that which your jailers tell you repeatedly, what society tells you repeatedly, that you are a criminal, an outlaw, an enemy of society. If that's what they want... They refuse to do anything to rehabilitate prisoners because not only is it being "soft", but that means they get opportunities that the stingy right-wing American system refuses most people. People are outraged if they get free schooling that they couldn't get and say that this means crime pays. They just recruit enemies against their society when they do this.
I remember years ago this right wing person would go on the radio and talk about crime and always people would call up going on about how they want it to be like Saudi Arabia and people should have their heads lopped off in the town square! In Canada we have a stupid prime minister who wants us to repeat the failures of the United States with mandatory minimums, cutting back any rehabilitation in the prisons and expanding them to accommodate new "guests" promised under new laws they propose.
mechanicalgirl39 wrote:
Maybe that 'child' would have liked to, you know, not bully him to the point of f***ing snapping.
You have AS, right? Are you severe? Do you have rages or fits of any kind? How would you feel if you were shown this same amount of compassion?
Here is what I hope for you. I hope you one day have a meltdown and harm someone who was constantly bullying and overstimulating you.
And I hope you are treated with the exact same approach you show towards this kid.
Yeah, I mean that. Literally. You're cold and you need neither compassion nor adrenaline/oxygen.
Don't forget... it wasn't a SPECIFIC child... it was "whoever happened to walk in". He went into TWO different bathrooms to make sure it happened because nobody walked into the first one.
I am curious, as to whether or not bullying was involved... but people seem to forget, some people just snap because they do. Not because 10 people pushed them to it in every case. Some people actually LIKE doing harm to others and will do it regardless what the other person does.
Until we KNOW 100% FOR SURE that bullying or any of that was even involved... there is no reason to even go in that direction and be so insistent upon that.
With the list of disorders and all that he had, God only knows what pushed him to do it. But I don't think torture or any of that should be involved... I just don't want to find him waiting in a bathroom one day for me because nothing was done.
Sorry about the incredibly long post...
"I enjoyed the meetings, too. It was like having friends." -Luna Lovegood
Well his Aspergers is not an excuse for stabbing someone to death. I have AS and know right from wrong. Murder is wrong! Plain and simple. But, he will be eaten for breakfast in a prison! Send him somewhere more secluded or put him in a special facility. Otherwise it is just as cruel as the murder itself in my book.
Horus wrote: was one of greatest displays of one's own "moral" peacock feathers i've yet to see on Wrongplanet. You seem to have a grave misunderstanding of your motivations and an equally grave overestimation of your own self-appointed martyrdom.
A "martyrdom" which is motivated by the same selfishness you claim to deplore in your post. Therefore....I kindly suggest you reconsider your smug self-righteous approach as it will only serve to alienate and devalue others rather than anything you're hoping to achieve.
Bottom line Etular;
Feeling good about yourself because of what you do for others is one thing. Feeling like a saint who is morally superior to others is quite a different matter entirely. I suggest you limit your ego-ideal to the former.
A "martyrdom" which is motivated by the same selfishness you claim to deplore in your post. Therefore....I kindly suggest you reconsider your smug self-righteous approach as it will only serve to alienate and devalue others rather than anything you're hoping to achieve.
Bottom line Etular;
Feeling good about yourself because of what you do for others is one thing. Feeling like a saint who is morally superior to others is quite a different matter entirely. I suggest you limit your ego-ideal to the former.
It seems you misunderstood my motives in that post.
I was in no way trying to glorify myself or my own work, rather, I was trying to convince you, yourself, to spend your life helping others for little to no reason. I'm not claiming to be some highly glorified "saint" or "martyr", I am merely saying that (by helping others out) you can have the potential to be one. Overly optimistic, I know, but possible (if you get enough publicity/backing).
As for all these about depression/suicide being a mental illness, I tried to rather obviously work around that for fear I might offend. Instead, my aim was to try and advise you that, instead of just dropping down dead, committing suicide or whatever; you could spend time helping others. I say suicide is selfish purely because, not only are you preventing yourself from ever helping others again, but think about the feelings of all those who care about you (there will always be someone who cares). Something tells me I'm going to be criticised for my views in this post, but whatever, I can put up with criticism...
macrent2 wrote:
Well his Aspergers is not an excuse for stabbing someone to death. I have AS and know right from wrong. Murder is wrong! Plain and simple. But, he will be eaten for breakfast in a prison! Send him somewhere more secluded or put him in a special facility. Otherwise it is just as cruel as the murder itself in my book.
Is that not the point of punishment? Retribution and reform for one's sins by suffering the same amount and learning what it is like to suffer that amount? Therefore, is it not a good thing for the punishment to be as cruel as the murder itself?
mechanicalgirl39 wrote:
Maybe that 'child' would have liked to, you know, not bully him to the point of f***ing snapping.
I was under the impression that the murder victim was a random selection, unrelated to any previous bullying incidents. Did I miss something in the story?
I recognize transference. In looking back at my own life, I know that I was bullied in school and therefore had a tendency to take it out on my younger brother when I got home. Now, as an adult I can recognize that this was wrong of me to do. Nevertheless, while I can get my head around the idea of wanting to stab one of the bullies, I can't imagine stabbing someone who was unrelated to my pain.
[quote="Horus"][quote="Todesking"]High school is bad enough and many of the human wolves in prisons care nothing about anyone's neuropsychological disorders. ]
Human wolves? I though wolves were 4 legged animals, that live in packs, divide themselves in ranks, and howl at the sky.
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