Lazenca_x wrote:
I don't understand something. I got 28. In real life, when I encounter these types of facial gestures, I usually ask how that person is feeling and they will say the opposite of what I thought they were thinking. Does this mean they are lying to me? Are my gut feelings correct?
I got 24.
Pictures since they remain still are very easy especially since you aren't in the middle of social contact with a person and subconscious multi-tasking, reading lips because you can't make out what is said half the time if you don't, keeping up and trying not to be distracted by sounds in the distance, stimming or trying not to stim by hiding your hands and wringing them behind your back.
This test isn't an accurate assessment considering alot of the issues pertaining to social aspect deal with a combination of sounds, nervousness, stimming, sensory, multi-tasking, lip reading vs. reading a still picture minus all of the other additives that make social aspects tougher.