Do you read? If so, are you the only one you know who does?

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12 Aug 2010, 1:54 pm

I wonder sometimes if people who say they don't like reading fiction think so because they are just reading badly written books.


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12 Aug 2010, 1:58 pm

Robdemanc wrote:
Spyral wrote:
I heard on NPR one day (not long ago) that over 50% of people who receive Bachelor's Degrees will never pick up another book for fun (i.e., not required for work or instructional manuals--although some people do read those for fun) at any time in their life. And these are educated folks. Will never read another book again. Sad.

Of course, I will spend $40 or $50 at a $1 book sale--and immediately attempt to read everything I go there, so I guess I'm in the minority.

I don't think anyone reads for "fun". I think the main reasons people read are to learn something. Even a childrens novel can have something to say. Readers are constantly seeking food for thought.

Eh? I read for fun. Learning from books can be fun.


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12 Aug 2010, 2:19 pm

Aimless wrote:
I wonder sometimes if people who say they don't like reading fiction think so because they are just reading badly written books.

With the big book retailers jammed corner to corner with s**t, I think that's fairly likely.

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12 Aug 2010, 2:24 pm

Moog wrote:
Aimless wrote:
I wonder sometimes if people who say they don't like reading fiction think so because they are just reading badly written books.

With the big book retailers jammed corner to corner with sh**, I think that's fairly likely.

I'll spend an hour an the library, just picking up books and reading a little bit to see what grabs me. That's how I discovered some great writers.


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12 Aug 2010, 2:35 pm

buryuntime wrote:

Okay, I created the Goodreads group.

Hey buryuntime, how about a thread on the Goodreads group in the Art, Music, etc. section?

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12 Aug 2010, 3:20 pm

I read voraciously. Typically I have five books on the go at any given time, and I cannot go to sleep without some time with a book.

Among my circle there is another voracious reader, and a couple of hobby readers.

I am also in a book club at work, that broadens my literary horizons.


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12 Aug 2010, 8:02 pm

Willard wrote:
I was in Nashville, Tennesee last year, after the show I went to a Waffle House - I'm not proud of it, I was hungry.
I'm alone, I'm eating and I'm reading a book, right? Waitress walks over to me: (smacking gum)
"Hey, what you readin' for?"
Is that like the weirdest f*cking question you've ever heard? Not what am I reading, but what am I reading for?
Well, g*dammit, you stumped me. Why do I read?
Well... hmmm... I guess I read for a lot of reasons, and the main one is - so I don't end up being a f*cking waffle waitress.
Then this trucker in the next booth stands over me and goes:
WeEelll, we got ouahselves a readuh!
What - did I just step out of some intellectual closet, here? This is a book - I read - Geez, I feel like I just walked into a Klan rally with a Boy George
costume on...

- Bill Hicks (b1961-d1994)

Oh, for crying out loud! Someone asked me why I was reading once too. My dad's wife (who I don't even call my step-mom)
"What are you doing?"
"Uh, reading..."
I was so stumped I just said,
"It's what I do."

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12 Aug 2010, 8:05 pm

DrS wrote:
Try hanging out in a university English department for a while :)

Ooh, that would be a dream come true for me. I excelled in English, I would really like to become an editor some day. I edit all the books I read in my head and I wonder how the heck they've missed some of the stuff. It makes me wonder if half of the editors out there are even awake when they do their job.

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13 Aug 2010, 11:30 am

buryuntime wrote:

If I joined this website, would I be able to import my catalogue from LibraryThing, or would I have to start the whole thing over again?

I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...


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13 Aug 2010, 1:35 pm

SabbraCadabra wrote:
buryuntime wrote:

If I joined this website, would I be able to import my catalogue from LibraryThing, or would I have to start the whole thing over again?

Goodreads allows importing and exporting libraries, don't know about LibraryThing.


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13 Aug 2010, 9:25 pm

Yes, I can read. Everyone in my family can also read. I read a lot more than anyone in my family, however. My Amazon Kindle is responsible for that. It helps me read more comfortably than anything else (especially because I have Asperger's syndrome. My Kindle practically "disappears" in my hands, so I don't get distracted by anything else).


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13 Aug 2010, 11:51 pm

I love to read...nobody in my house does...except my father (I am married, live out of the country, never really see him much)...and we think very differently, so there's no discussing anything with him...he is extremely conservative and judgemental and I am the total opposite...hmmm...


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14 Aug 2010, 1:42 pm

buryuntime wrote:
Goodreads allows importing and exporting libraries, don't know about LibraryThing.

supported import files
Any csv/xls/txt that contains an ISBN will import, however we have tested for the following services to make sure all reviews, ratings, tags, etc import:

•Delicious Library

Okay, cool, 100% vague, but sure.

Here we go, a help section.

how to import or export your books
To import your books from a csv, txt, or xls file, click on my books then on import. Then follow the instructions on the right side of the page. The batch upload may take several minutes to process, depending on how large your file is. You can also export your books to excel from the same page.

Oh, of course, but how do I import from a website :?

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15 Aug 2010, 1:51 am

I read and so do all my family menbers.

My mum and my sisters read whatever I bought recently and they enjoy most of the books.

My father usuakky reads big books that can last for months which are the kind of books I don´t like because when I finish a book I want to be able to remenber what happened at the start without having to read the book for a second time.

We don´t discuss the books we read most of the time, from time to time a family member asks me what should he-she read next during lunch and we start talking about books.


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15 Aug 2010, 2:42 am

read a book n***a :lol:

But srsly. Yes I read a noticeable amount but it varies off month/stage of life the extent or genre. I.e. I did most of legacy of the force novels [8 books] in less than a month [well within this summer]and did some of them in less than 24 hrs [well one of them actually]. Btw legacy of the force is part of the huge star wars verse...and reading them shows that. But I might/do alternate to other science fiction' historical stuff' political related s**t etc etc etc.......

Also stuff off the net which I count. Papers articles research etc

No I am not the only person. My mother reads uh 'romance' novels [zane and stuff]. And some thriller/drama stuff. Her boyfriend reads some more political stuff not a lot but I don't ask him a lot re that due to issues...oh and of course people I know off the net like cpj1227/dartg-synge [he is my n***a]. And ya'll here on wrongplanet + other people on other forums.

Weee posting this on a cellular device ican tell the difference.

I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
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15 Aug 2010, 2:55 am

I'm reading right now. :P

I usually read in spurts, few books in a row and then I don't read anything for a couple months.

My mom reads like 10+ books a month it seems, don't know where she gets the time. My friend reads a lot more than me too but he doesn't have internet so I can't blame him. Other than that tho, not too many big readers.