Hmm. Maybe someone could help me enlighten a theory Ive had.
Im NT with an AS best friend. I keep trying to figure him out as he tries to figure me out and it keeps landing us in some odd situations. Thankfully we both find it entertaining rather than frustrating..
Early on in our friendship I noticed he seemed to get a kick out of me laughing. I'm an easy laugher and can also be easily lost in a total gigglefit. No matter if I chuckled at him or at what he said, me laughing triggers his stand up comedian gene, he will at times stretch whatever joke or funny thing said or done till its a dead horse and then beat it a bit afterwards - just to keep me laughing - or so it seems.
After reading about Aspergers, I wondered if this is a trait of his, possibly that due to uncertainty of body language and such there is one feature that feels 100% as positive feedback to him - laughter. And that this is why he strives towards it?
To me, its a pleasure either way. And after years of knowing one another I find it adorable the way he peeks in my direction after dropping a joke, anticipating my reaction.
And yes, that IS cute. <3
that IS adorable!! !! ! some aspies can be almost childlike in a social environment, which is sorta charming maybe.