@sport: Thanks for necrobumping this thread, really cool concept!
What I want: a girlfriend (preferably a fellow autistic/ND)
What’s holding me back:
-below-average (though not horrible) social skills
-reluctance to use facebook/twitter/instagram/social media in general, mostly due to security concerns
-lack of a large network of friends through which I could meet many new people
-the fact that I find alcohol disgusting and hate being in places where there is a lot of it
-COVID-19 social distancing rules and stay-at-home order in my state
What I was doing about it before the pandemic hit:
-asked my few friends about what connections they may have
-joined a local autistic meetup group
-had more planned but that’s on hold indefinitely due to COVID-19 and I’m depressed that It will probably be at least a whole year more before I can start working toward this goal thanks to the virus.
When anti-vaxxers get in my face, I say ... Have a Nice Day!