menintights wrote:
So why add them as friends when they're just acquaintances? is what I want to know.
I don't show my acquaintances the pictures I took on my last trip or even tell them when my birthday is. In fact, I want them to stay as far away from my personal life as possible. Most people, I'm guessing, have the same attitude toward their acquaintances (hence the reason they're "acquaintances" and not "friends"). So why? is still what I want to know.
Well, there is not an option to 'add acquaintance'. It's generally understood that the term 'friend' on Facebook doesn't mean the same as what it means in real life. You can organise your 'friends' into groups though, which you label (although they don't see what you've labelled them as) and you can select whom you show various posts to.
For myself, I add acquaintances because they are my fellow students at college, and I'm doing a course where we have to do groupwork and network with each other, so it's the easiest way of keeping up with what's going on and contacting people, as I'm not so good at keeping up with them in real life. Before I started using Facebook, I often had no idea what was going on and what I was supposed to be doing for my course.
My acquaintances don't see all my photos. You can choose privacy settings for your photos, so that only certain friends can see them. I actually don't even post photos - I'm tagged in various photos that others have taken, but generally those photos have privacy settings so that only the other person's 'friends' can see them. And if I don't like a photo, I can untag myself and so it doesn't show on my profile.
You also don't have to display your birthday. I don't see Facebook as a place to publicly display all kinds of personal stuff, and the majority of people I know don't seem to use it this way either. People post superficial stuff - it's a way of keeping in superficial touch with people, and networking when you need to network. Or a way of seeing what people you used to know are up to - a sort of nosiness thing. I know a few people who use Facebook to 'stalk' people in this way.
'If the shoe doesn't fit, must we change the foot?' Gloria Steinem