Was I a Jerk for Saying This or Justified?
Sallamandrina wrote:
Although, strictly from the way the OP told the story the woman in question didn't exactly seem to be like that. My biggest issue with this incident was her insistence
She sounds like a very social NT woman. Of course she could also be a completely oblivious AS woman

Sallamandrina wrote:
- I admit I'm very private and dislike nosy people and those who can't take no for an answer. Judging from what you post here, I have a hard time imagining you pestering a stranger with unwanted advice.
You are correct. I more often than not keep my mouth shut unless I think the person is implying they want advice. Sometimes I keep my mouth shut anyway because I can see my advice would be in vain because some people aren't in the right mindset to accept advice even if they want it. They just won't get it no matter how hard you try to explain it, or they won't accept it from who it's coming from.
There was once a movie with Robin Williams called "What Dreams May Come" where his character, Chris, is the last member of his family to die. He finds himself in heaven, but his wife is missing. He is informed by his guide, played by Cuba Gooding Junior, that his wife sent herself to hell when she committed suicide...over the death of their son, I think. Cuba's character helps guide him to hell to find his wife, which he does, and manages to save her. In the end he finds out his "guide" was actually his son in disguise. His son had disguised himself because Chris would not have been able to accept the advice and guidance had it come from his son, due his perception of who his son was in his mind.
Chronos wrote:
You are correct. I more often than not keep my mouth shut unless I think the person is implying they want advice. Sometimes I keep my mouth shut anyway because I can see my advice would be in vain because some people aren't in the right mindset to accept advice even if they want it. They just won't get it no matter how hard you try to explain it, or they won't accept it from who it's coming from.
I do the same thing, particularly if the advice concerns romantic relationships. I just feel too clueless about girls/normal behavior in a relationship and worried about being embarrassed if he shoots down my advice to say anything, so I usually just kind of nod and say "uh-huh" as my friends form their own inferences/conclusions from just talking about it--which, in and of itself, can help. If I feel I really have a valuable piece of advice, I'll mention it, but usually somewhat meekly, and never about sex, partly because I'm gay and all my friends are straight.