Nearly all of the kids in that class were older than I was, and very few could read. I was reading at a fourth grade level in first grade (in English), despite not knowing any English in kindergarten. There was no such thing as an ESL class then, so I was put in a special classroom. One of my classmates was a fourth grader reading at first grade level. I remember, years later, when I was in junior college, talking to that person. She was still taking remedial classes, while I was on my way to university, with a major in English.
Other students in that class had learning and health issues. As far as I know, I was the only one who made it all the way through regular classes from elementary school through university. I did well academically, earning a Master's in English at age 26, but I don't believe I was ever "typical" or "normal" by any standard other than academics, where I was above average. I was bookish and introverted throughout my school career and had few friends. I was a klutz when it came to sports and didn't do much else but study throughout my school career. I held on to my academic achievement as evidence I was somewhat all right, although I was far from all right in other ways.