I've scored 130-143 over the years, depending on which test I've taken and whether anyone else is around; I consistently screw up when I'm being observed.
I just took one online (found it on Google so I don't know how reliable it really is) and scored 132. There were 3 questions I remember getting wrong but only realising after I'd put in the wrong answer - having said that, I don't know how they work out the points for time left, so perhaps if I'd taken longer to be sure of my answer, I would have lost more points for doing so than I would have gained for getting the right answer. The problem with IQ tests is the testing criteria; for example, in the test I just took, I know that I got every word-based question right. I've been writing all my life. The number-based questions took me longer, because 1) I was never quite as good at maths as I was at language, and 2) I've not used numbers properly for a few years. I haven't had to. I could feel my brain working immensely slowly and just not grasping answers that, when I took a similar entrance test to a school at 11, came to me in a flash.
I'm also certain that if I took the test every day, I'd become 'more intelligent,' even if they asked different questions, as long as they were of the same nature. I'm certain I could work my way up to at least 160. So it's a little hard to gauge somebody's intelligence by any given test. Also different racial groups score differently - black people score lower than white on average in standard IQ tests, but when given newer more creative-minded tests they score much higher. I'm not sure what that means for me, being half of each
Aspiness! Aspiness! The greatest gift that I possess! I thank the skies that I've been blessed with more than my share of Aspiness!