Matariki wrote:
I'm not a fan of IQ tests but I am considering doing a MENSA test. Last time I did a proper one was when I was 8 and my IQ clocked in at 145.
IQ tests don't generally measure the areas where I happen to be intelligent in. Most of the ones that I did cover patterns and maths, which I'm lousy at.
Heh, the MENSA test apparently focuses big on math, in the stereotypical belief that smart people are good at math. Silly MENSA. Well, some smart people are good at math, but some people are smart at other things...
But I guess that the MENSA test is probably a decent way for you to get your IQ tested without a big financial investment, if you're really that curious. Back when you were eight, if you were ahead in your development, you could have gotten the 145 by just performing about as well as a twelve-year-old... if you're an adult, you have to be in the top half-percent or so. Very different things, developmentally; it's not at all unusual for autistics to develop at a different speed from NTs. So you could, as an adult, test significantly higher or lower (though at 145 you'd be hitting the ceilings of adult tests and you wouldn't know how much higher).
I'd suggest, as an alternative, to look at your percentile on the ACT or SAT instead; the first is an academic achievement test and the second is more of an IQ-test-style thing. If you're not in the US, there are likely other national "academic potential" tests that correlate pretty well with the IQ test. Should give you a pretty accurate conversion.
Thanks for the heads up, I'm a visual thinker so my intelligence is in the arts, which most IQ tests don't cover.
Its a pain in the butt because thats all I'm pretty much good at. I'm not much of an academic person at all.