sofie: My default expression is a frown, so I often try to change it to a smile, but the smile comes out as a "shy and innocent smile". It's like halfway to smiling for a picture. (Apparently I never knew how to smile for pictures and only found out after attending my first party where I was friends with a girl with a camera, anyone else? Side tangent.) Or I raise my eyebrows to make myself look...attentive. I look serious or depressed otherwise. My parents often used to ask me "What's wrong?" and I'd say "Nothing..."
SYZ: People from foreign countries have a much tougher time guessing my age, probably anyone's age. Anecdote!
My parents dragged me to a party last summer. I told this "bro" type kid "This sucks, I'm here with my parents so I can't drink" and he said "You shouldn't drink until you're 21" to which I responded "....I'm in college" Turned out he was the same age as me and probably thought I was 15. I think he thought I was trying to be cool. I do feel younger than I am. This group of girls from Taiwan was there too. I saw them eyeing me up from the moment I got there. The cutest one asked me how old I was, then went "Errrrrr! I'm 29." She looked my age, and apparently I looked 29 to her.