What was the most meanest thing to ever happen to you????

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03 Jul 2012, 1:09 am

Well lets see... There was this time I was 15 or 16 and my mother had been bugging me to spend some time with her. So I gave in and we took a trip to Las Vegas. During the trip we went to some cheesy vegas show that was mostly singing and dancing. As part of the show they started calling for kids from the audience to get on the stage and do some line dance. So the kids that were going up on the stage are like 7 years old. They ask for one more kid so my mom gets up, starts jumping up and down, and pointing at me. I'm telling her to stop, she doesn't. So I'm not getting up and one of the 'performers' comes over with a mic and won't take no for an answer. There were like 2000 people at this thing and they're all focused on me. I was seriously on the edge of losing it at this point and that woman wouldn't let up. I don't remember exactly what I said to her but I threatened her and she realized I was serious. I got up and left but I was a basket case that whole night. I think the vegas incident probably came the closest to sending me over the edge.


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03 Jul 2012, 1:26 am

When I was 13 a guy in school started to hang out with me a lot. He talked to me and he said he wanted to be my friend. I started to really trust him and I was happy I had a friend (I was bullied in school at the time). After a while he said he liked me, more than just a friend. That made me happy because I thought no one could like me that way. But then one day he came up to me, laughed and said "I don't like you. I was never really your friend. I just thought you looked so lonely so I just wanted to see what would happen if I said I was your friend. Haha." And then he joined the bullies and was mean to me instead. I will never forget that.


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03 Jul 2012, 1:34 am

The last job I held (several years ago now), when I got fired my boss told me that I must have some form of brain damage.

This was before I even considered I could have anything like ASD, so it was very upsetting. It was one of the things that made me start looking into if there could really be something wrong with me...

[The 'other' one.]


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03 Jul 2012, 1:46 am

There are so many, but one of them stands out at the moment. When I was in the sixth grade, I went to public school for the first part of the year. Now, a kid with attention difficulties who was noted on report cards as being "socially withdrawn" wasn't going to make many friends. However, my biggest tormenter was the teacher. My last day in that school, I was getting ready for a test and put my head down to pray. he grabbed me by the throat and pulled me outside the room where he proceeded to hold me up by my throat against the wall, with my feet about a foot off the floor and scream in my face. Needless to say, my parents pulled me out of that school the next day. The only reason they did nothing against him was that my dad was also employed by the district and they feared reprisals. Looking back though, they regretted not doing something.

Uncertain of diagnosis, either ADHD or Aspergers.
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03 Jul 2012, 1:52 am

People should respect and care for each other. If people won't care for people, who will?

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03 Jul 2012, 2:12 am

Back in sixth grade, a group of boys would take advantage of my Aspergers every single day. They would ask to sing and dance, and I did thinking they actually enjoyed it. They did enjoy it, in a different way than I thought. When I did sing and dance for them, they made fun of me behind my back calling me ret*d (that really angers me) and laughed. Sometimes they did insult me to my face, and one day they were so bad they made me run of the cafeteria crying. What insults me is they called me ret*d, and I know and so does everyone else who knows me knows I'm not ret*d and I'm really intelligent, and I hate how they assumed since I was bad social communication that I must be ret*d. They still try to start stuff with me many years later, but I usually run away because I know what they're up to. Funny how they don't realize my social skills have improved and I can avoid their s**t now. I'm so hateful and resentful to them, I can't even stand pop culture music and fashion because it reminds me of them, and that's the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my resentment and hatred of them....


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03 Jul 2012, 2:39 am

theoddone wrote:
Back in sixth grade, a group of boys would take advantage of my Aspergers every single day. They would ask to sing and dance, and I did thinking they actually enjoyed it. They did enjoy it, in a different way than I thought. When I did sing and dance for them, they made fun of me behind my back calling me ret*d (that really angers me) and laughed. Sometimes they did insult me to my face, and one day they were so bad they made me run of the cafeteria crying. What insults me is they called me ret*d, and I know and so does everyone else who knows me knows I'm not ret*d and I'm really intelligent, and I hate how they assumed since I was bad social communication that I must be ret*d. They still try to start stuff with me many years later, but I usually run away because I know what they're up to. Funny how they don't realize my social skills have improved and I can avoid their sh** now. I'm so hateful and resentful to them, I can't even stand pop culture music and fashion because it reminds me of them, and that's the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my resentment and hatred of them....

Are they still doing that show Bully Beatdown?


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03 Jul 2012, 10:31 am

I can name a few.

One of the girls at school accusing me of calling her a slapper, when I know it was no mistake because I've never used that word before in my life, and she got everyone else to believe her and they all went against me, for something I know I hadn't done. I couldn't win because it was my word against theirs.

When another group of f*****s threatened to go to the police and tell them that I am 14 (when I was 20) and get the bus-driver who I spoke to into trouble. Deep inside I knew they probably wouldn't do it, but because I have lost trust in some people and that these girls really wanted me unhappy, I started panicking and didn't know what to do.



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03 Jul 2012, 11:00 am

I have quite a few to tell but I'll save a few.

One time a teacher sent me out the class though I had difficulty with what I found to be problematic.
Taken a beating from peer pressure.
Called many names and being victimised.
Spent many nights awake from the threats of killing me in sleep.

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Sora: "My friends are my power."

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03 Jul 2012, 1:40 pm

AngelKnight wrote:
Not to be a pain to the original poster, but to be honest I'm not sure what gain can be had from answering a question like this without more information on why it's asked.

It doesn't seem like much of a conversation starter except among the emo crowd :)



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03 Jul 2012, 1:51 pm

The worst thing was my own mother telling me she had to go see a psychiatrist because she was having bad thoughts about me after I was born.


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03 Jul 2012, 1:52 pm

Luckily, the worst thing I can remember is being taken out to the hallway after politely asking a teacher not to touch me, not once, not twice, but three times. The teacher grabbed me by the arm and took me out to the hall, where they asked why I was so "weird" about being touched/making eye-contact saying, "it's not like it hurts." I explained that it is actually painful to and that it feels like a massive air raid within my mind when being touched (pain and extreme sensory response is not a good combination) and being made to look in someone's eyes only adds to the problem. I was sent to the office and given detention for "insubordination" for not allowing the teacher to touch me :?

In the end, this is what led to my diagnosis of SPD and AS.


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03 Jul 2012, 2:25 pm

When I was around 14-15 a group of guys led me to beleieve we were friends just so that they could come to my house during the summer holidays when my parents worked. They then proceeded to steal things, go through my families personal belongings and basically trash my house, knowing that I was too meak and shy to say anything to them about it. They came to my house basically every day of the summer and did this sort of thing and never really wanted anything to do with me outside of coming to my house. It was even worse as my best friend since I was 3 told them about me having a free house all summer and joined in trashing the place.

It all came to a head one day, I went into the front room to watch tv with my best friend and a couple of other people, and while I was in there they pushed the middle room sofa against the door so I couldnt get out, then raided the fridge and threw food all over the walls, roof and floor of my house. My neighbour heard all the commotion and called the police, when the cops came they all climbed out of an upstairs window and stole a load of videogames and expensive cologne etc as they did. My dad found out about it as he was in the police and came home early before I had a chance to tidy the house. He then proceeded to slap me so hard that my eardrum burst in my left ear, I still have a small hole in it 14 years later. That wasnt the first time my dad kicked me arse as a kid either but thats another story I dont really feel like repeating.

Then when I was in my early 20s (before I was diagnosed) I had a very prolonged and public meltdown which resulted in me losing pretty much every friend I had. Still recovering from that now.

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03 Jul 2012, 2:38 pm

While I was bullied, with the 7th grade being the worst year, still it wasn't as bad as my ex-husband was to me. He even tried to do an exorcism on me as he thought I was a spawn of Satan, and at the time I wasn't even diagnosed with Asperger's. One thing's for sure is that after that "exorcism" I filed for divorce and got away from my ex. I'm just glad he never found out about my diagnosis as he would have used that against me, and even would have called me a ret*d. He called my cousin that slur who was born prematurely and was lucky to have survived, who does have delays as a result of his birth.


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03 Jul 2012, 3:15 pm

One of my co-workers tried to get me fired from my job. The boss and her was in kahoots. But they under estimated me and they both got in trouble. He ended up quitting and she got fired sometime after quit to get another job. But, it was several years after that happened when I left for a better job.

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03 Jul 2012, 3:29 pm

Two years ago when I was in the sixth grade they were these three girls on my bus who were my friends, but eventually they got sick of my obsessive personality and started asking me why I never shut up about horror movies. So, they started turning against me. They'd take my drawings and rip them up or throw them out the window, they'd call me annoying, and they'd throw things at me. Eventually everyone on the bus hated me.

And nothing was ever done.