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30 Aug 2011, 4:17 am

Phonic wrote:
I thnk he did cause he was good at making things orderly and stuff and he clearly liked trains

I kinda get the feeling you're just trolling... I'm not even gonna bother. :?

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30 Aug 2011, 8:15 am

Lily, the last thing that you wrote proves that you were not serious throughout this entire discussion. I clearly stated that I didn't think that what he did was right. I obviously would have been one of the people that he would have come after being that according to his rules I have four things wrong with me. I, also, did not mention autistic people in the first statement you exstrapolated that from something that does not apply. Autism is not a disease, so unless you are saying that autistic people have lower intelligence this entire argument is illogical. As I stated before, I am only stating the facts. If you are not happy about the fact that removing weak genes causes there to be stronger genes in the posterity, that's your problem. You must have the ability to read "between the lines." You keep reading stuff that's not there. Many others read my first statement and did not have a problem with it or agreed with me because there is nothing offensive in it unless you read something "between the lines" that isn't there. Now, I'm done with this conversation. If you choose to reply, I will not answer on this topic again.

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30 Aug 2011, 8:58 am

886 wrote:
Phonic wrote:
I thnk he did cause he was good at making things orderly and stuff and he clearly liked trains

I kinda get the feeling you're just trolling... I'm not even gonna bother. :?

LOL. It's this thing that people call "sarcasm" and you're either supposed to :lol:, respond sarcastically/wittily or just ignore it. "Trolls" are usually a little more malicious in their intent.

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30 Aug 2011, 9:00 am

TheBrain wrote:
I know this is going to sound sick, but hear me out. I think that he may have been based on his intelligence and his lack of empathy for others, but if you were in his head, he may have thought that what he was doing was actually good.

This is probably true, nobody sane* thinks "hmm, I'll just go and do some evil". People simply don't do evil for evil's sake, they do evil because they have bad values, or they think the ends justifies the means, or... well, you get the picture. As the old saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

* I think it is safe to say Hitler was essentially sane, even if he had many personality flaws, because he wouldn't have got to where he got if he was a genuine lunatic.


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30 Aug 2011, 9:30 am

The_Walrus wrote:
* I think it is safe to say Hitler was essentially sane, even if he had many personality flaws, because he wouldn't have got to where he got if he was a genuine lunatic.

Clinically sane but morally insane.


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30 Aug 2011, 1:24 pm

I don't think he had autism. I think he was just absolutely convinced that he was working for the greater good. A lot of the worse things in history have been done precisely because people think they're working for the greater good. And I've always admired his ability to handle masses of people.

TheBrain wrote:
I know this is going to sound sick, but hear me out. I think that he may have been based on his intelligence and his lack of empathy for others, but if you were in his head, he may have thought that what he was doing was actually good. Remember he was trying to restore Germany to her former glory and create the master race. He thought that by doing this he would be doing good by getting rid of disease and low intelligence. Now, his methodes were obviously atrocious, but his result were astounding. He did clean up the German "gene pool" quite a bit. I am in no way agreeing with what he did, but if you have an open mind you can see the good that it did. Again, not in agreement, but I could see how a very intelligent person could do this only if they had no empathy; ergo, he may have been an Aspie.

I don't agree with what he did, either, but I do agree with you here. He did do some good. After all, for one, didn't he find the Volkswagon, so people could have cars?

Besides, he wasn't the only one who did such a thing. It's happened more times in history. I don't know why people focus so much on Hitler. I mean, Stalin, for one, killed more people, and for even worse reasons. And what about all the good Catholics during 'good' Queen Bess's reign, including her own relative, Mary, Queen of Scots? And, well, I hate to use this example, but what about the Moors during Queen Isabel I of Castile and King Fernando II of Aragon's reign? And yet look at what the good Queen Isabel and King Fernando did, despite expelling the Moors. If it wasn't for them, perhaps Spain would still be split into many kingdoms.

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30 Aug 2011, 4:10 pm

swbluto wrote:
LOL. It's this thing that people call "sarcasm" and you're either supposed to :lol:, respond sarcastically/wittily or just ignore it. "Trolls" are usually a little more malicious in their intent.

So this is sarcasm? I thought so, but I'm surprised how everyone has taken it seriously.

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30 Aug 2011, 4:45 pm

I have thought about joining the Aryan Nation, rising though their ranks to leader, then declare all members inferior to myself, and then disband the organization.

They suck.

I saw a documentary on PBS last month about how U.S. government psychiatrists worked up a psychological profile of Hitler during the war. They came up with a pretty accurate profile, as confirmed by later interviews with family members. He had potty training difficulties, and they surmised that this gave him a sense of shame and sexual insecurity that he tried to compensate by being the less than stellar person he was.

I had no idea potty training could be so important to psychological development. Do animals have these kinds of issues?


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30 Aug 2011, 9:36 pm

littlelily613 wrote:
I know what the original text says. We have been over this...again....and again. You already admitted to your poor choice in words. I cannot read between the lines. Now that you have admitted to your poor choice in words and have explained what you meant, I GET IT---but then I have ALREADY STATED THAT. How many times do I have to state it: I GET IT! I GET IT! I GET IT! I GET IT! I GET IT! Do YOU get it now??

i have no idea the context of this, i haven't wasted any time reading whatever banter led to that point. I just think it is interesting you would get so involved in an argument.

I think it is silly people are so obsessed with Hitler himself. Same principle when anyone is giving great consideration to any leader. Presidents, Kings, Etcetera. It doesn't matter who the leader is. Somebody is bound to fill the role. The really incredible thing (though probably it shouldn't be incredible, considering the commonality) are the masses of people that will fall in rank under orders. The holocaust was not perpetrated by Hitler, it was carried out by german people, who cant logically be all that different from you and me. And yet they were so easily coached to commit unimaginably heartless murder.


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30 Aug 2011, 10:46 pm

TheBrain wrote:
Lily, the last thing that you wrote proves that you were not serious throughout this entire discussion.

"Brain", you are pathetic. I am ONLY responding to what you write. I can only work with what you have given me. Unlike you, I respond to direct thing you said. Everyone who is reading these can see that. You are really just grasping at straws, and have no idea what to say because you cannot crawl out of the hole you've dug yourself into.

TheBrain wrote:
You keep reading stuff that's not there.

And you can keep up that delusion if you wish. Again, everyone reading this can see that I am only responding to direct quotes that YOU have made. They can also go back to previous posts written by YOU to see I have not altered those quotes in any way, shape, or form.

TheBrain wrote:
there is nothing offensive

I was not the only one who found it offensive. For some reason though, you just singled me out anyway. There were lots of comments about how awful your words were.

TheBrain wrote:
Now, I'm done with this conversation.

Good, it's about time!

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05 Sep 2011, 6:06 am

Thank you for reminding me of why I don't debate with people that are so ungraceful and close-minded. I just hope that you did not make other Aspies that may be more timid than I afraid to speak their minds in this forum. You should be ashamed of your behavior.

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05 Sep 2011, 6:10 am

Thread locked as it is going nowhere but downhill in flames.

I've left WP indefinitely.