violet_yoshi wrote:
I just added a response here: ... ge_down.21About the "article". I'm not sure if this site is on it's own, or a part of Wikipedia..since the design is very similar to Wikipedia. I basically told whoever runs the thing, take the article down. Or be prepared for the rest of the internet to know that you allowed a bunch of 14 year old sociopaths to post a nonsensical article that looks like it was written by a 2 year old. As well as that your site is ficetious and untrustworty for information. I also said either they take it down, or expect to have their inbox jammed with angry letters.
I hope you all don't think I was too harsh, but clearly the idiot running this site does not care about the site. I don't think they even moderate it, I mean letting a article that was written by a bunch of brats look like fact? If the owner doesn't think that having a dictionary site run based on fact, rather than some 14 year old bully's misinformation, then surely they should be outed as doing so.
First of all, it is in no way affiliated with Wikipedia.
Secondly, they exist to be a humor site, not a serious source of information. As a matter of fact, if you put up an article with only serious information, it's going to get deleted. If you look at their site, you will find many statements such as this:
This is strictly a parody, satire and humor site, all content herein should be treated as such.