KBABZ wrote:
Two of my friends even help me and taught me things like saying Please and Thank You, not raising my voice and how to pick up sarcasm (they said it was lying by telling the truth!). I was nervous to learn new things, but they always ecouraged me to keep on trying. In a way this makes me feel like I'm half Aspie and half NT!
I love the sarcasm comment--what cute insight.
We had to practice that quite a bit but how much better it would be coming from other kids in that way.
My kiddo started out in that world of half AS and half NT to begin with and his experience has been very much the same as yours. He's in a school that is pretty accepting of differences to begin with plus he's always had a friend or two that were accepting of him. It's not only helped him gradually pick up on the social aspects, but it's gone a long way in helping him become a happy, confident kid. He's got two really good buddies now...they play at school, have playdates at each other's houses, even did time in the principal's office together with four hours of school remaining in the school year.
I'll be interested down the road to find out if/when he noticed he was different. Back when his differences were more pronounced I got the feeling that any differences he might have picked up on were due to the fact that the *other* kids were different, not him.