Ria1989 wrote:
1. Hitler had followers.
When I was a Dungeon Master in high school so many people liked playing in D&D campaigns there was a waiting list to get in. One kid even walked three miles to my game because his mom went on second shift and could not drive. When I was in Army basic training there were a lot guys who wanted to hang out with me because of the way I manage to weasel my way into easy jobs. If the group involves a special intrest of mine I will pick up all kinds of friends and followers due to the amount of knowledge and passion I have for the subject.
Ria1989 wrote:
2. People with Asperger's generally ARE followers.
I always get into leadership posistions or put in charge of something. Bosses have always seen me as intelligent and responsible so they trust me enough to put me in charge of fellow emplyees. If the group involves a special intrest of mine I become a man possessed and people are attracted to this.
Ria1989 wrote:
3. How many people do you know with Asperger's can make normal people become their followers?
I seem to attract a good number of people for pen and paper roleplaying games when I run them. When you put me in a group that involves my special intrest it does not take me long to rise to the top or at least pick up some important posistions in that group.
swbluto wrote:
Tell me of an autistic that can manipulate a neurotypical crowd so quickly and skillfully?
They said when Hitler first did his barracks and beerhall his speeches were firery but he had difficulty connecting with the audience and holding their attention. The right people saw Hitler's potential and got him the help he needed to perfect his presence and the way he presented himself.
swbluto wrote:
You need to understand how people think and you need to appeal to their emotions by being emotional and dramatic AND it was entirely impromptu! It wasn't rehearsed!
One of the people who helped mold the persona of Hitler was a stage magician who taught him stage presence. He taught how to manipulate the crowd by being late and stalling allowing people to see Hitler but Hitler did not speak until the crowd was starving to hear him. His posing and posturing was never impromptu everything was thought out planned. There are pictures of him rehearsing and practising his poses.
swbluto wrote:
Something like that just doesn't happen with aspergers.
The majority of people with Asperger's Syndrome have high verbal IQ's
Angel_ryan wrote:
He's dead so really we'll never know.
Well, they are trying to identify the genes that cause autism. If they discover the genetic markers they will be able to check his DNA. There was enough DNA to find there was Jewish ancestory in family tree so there should be enough to tell if he is autistic.
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson