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24 Nov 2011, 3:39 pm

If the threshold between autism and normality is to be established so low as to exclude people like Hitler, it would also rule out most of the members of this forum.


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25 Nov 2011, 1:52 am

Lets see.

Hitler had Special Intrests-

Collected Astara Magazine. He even contacted the publisher in person to get get back issues the publisher found him odd.
Obssessed with the music and operas of Wagner
Obssessed Ancient Germanic History and mythology
Obssessed with his niece
He could talk about national socialism fanaticlly and non-stop. Many of speaches he threw himself into a frenzy

Hitler did not interact well with other people -

Fellow soldiers in his unit said he was a loner
He was a stubborn troublesom child
He had closer relationships with dogs then people
Wrote laws to oppress minority groups but wrote many laws protecting animals
Woman who showed affection towards him but he could not show it back
Everyone who knew him described him as odd or different
He had a hard time drawing people it kept him out of art school
His own friend and family described him as socially awkward
I have seen some snapshots of him where he is showing bad eye contact with people around him
Hitler had people who would instruct people how to act when they met him for the first time
He blew up his childhood home town to hide "secrets" about him

Hitler needed to be shown how to act, much of his "charisma" was fabricated -

He had stage magician teach him how to capture an audience's attention and how to make them want to hear more.
He also used one of the best film directors in Germany to potray him as great leader
He turned on allies who put him in power to get what he wanted with no remorse
Goebbels was a master of making sure to potray him as a messiah like figure who could do no wrong

Hitler Had Meltdowns throughout his life -

His sister said he had screaming fits as a child
His Generals said the same thing about him

Hitler was set in his ways -

He turned down anti-aircraft surface to air missles that were deadly accurate because he only liked aggresive weapons and not defensive ones :roll:
He had to be forced to use the world's first real assault rifle the STG44
He would allow elite units to be wiped out instead of letting them to retreat
He would not listen to his generals he always knew best
He would not listen to scientists sometimes turning down usefull technology :roll:
He would give orders to units that were nolonger functional or were wiped out
He sent valuable rescorces to wipe out the Jews instead of using them for the war effort
When he saw the end was near he declared his people failed him and should die with him if he was to die it would be better for Germany and it's people to go with him

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson

Last edited by Todesking on 25 Nov 2011, 3:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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25 Nov 2011, 7:51 am

Ria1989 wrote:
1. Hitler had followers.
2. People with Asperger's generally ARE followers.
3. How many people do you know with Asperger's can make normal people become their followers?

Michael Jackson.

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25 Nov 2011, 12:50 pm

It's possible but we'll never know will we?


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25 Nov 2011, 12:57 pm

I'm convinced.


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25 Nov 2011, 1:02 pm

This thread has been made and remade, so I'm going to use my argument that I used in the older "Hitler is an Aspie" threads.

Hitler was trying to create a genetically controlled "race" that didn't include non-Germans. Anyone that didn't fit into his idea of a perfect society was to be sent to death, this included people with mental disorders and differences. So he would also be eliminating himself from the equation if he was an Aspie. Also, he was known to be very charismatic and social, which is needed to be elected into a higher power (even though he bought his way into the German government).

It is also ironic, because Hitler was Austrian, not German. Who else do we know of that is Austrian? ;)

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25 Nov 2011, 1:47 pm

MakaylaTheAspie wrote:
It is also ironic, because Hitler was Austrian, not German. Who else do we know of that is Austrian? ;)

Arnold Schwarzenegger is Austrian.


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25 Nov 2011, 1:50 pm

He didn't have a diagnosis and clearly didn't believe himself disabled, and he wasn't known to be social. Also, I'm social and charismatic, lots of us are.

I bet any argument that he couldn't have been ONE OF US has a flaw that I could point out.

"Who else do we know of that is Austrian?"



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25 Nov 2011, 3:04 pm

Ria1989 wrote:
1. Hitler had followers.

When I was a Dungeon Master in high school so many people liked playing in D&D campaigns there was a waiting list to get in. One kid even walked three miles to my game because his mom went on second shift and could not drive. When I was in Army basic training there were a lot guys who wanted to hang out with me because of the way I manage to weasel my way into easy jobs. If the group involves a special intrest of mine I will pick up all kinds of friends and followers due to the amount of knowledge and passion I have for the subject.

Ria1989 wrote:
2. People with Asperger's generally ARE followers.

I always get into leadership posistions or put in charge of something. Bosses have always seen me as intelligent and responsible so they trust me enough to put me in charge of fellow emplyees. If the group involves a special intrest of mine I become a man possessed and people are attracted to this.

Ria1989 wrote:
3. How many people do you know with Asperger's can make normal people become their followers?

I seem to attract a good number of people for pen and paper roleplaying games when I run them. When you put me in a group that involves my special intrest it does not take me long to rise to the top or at least pick up some important posistions in that group.

swbluto wrote:
Tell me of an autistic that can manipulate a neurotypical crowd so quickly and skillfully?

They said when Hitler first did his barracks and beerhall his speeches were firery but he had difficulty connecting with the audience and holding their attention. The right people saw Hitler's potential and got him the help he needed to perfect his presence and the way he presented himself.

swbluto wrote:
You need to understand how people think and you need to appeal to their emotions by being emotional and dramatic AND it was entirely impromptu! It wasn't rehearsed!

One of the people who helped mold the persona of Hitler was a stage magician who taught him stage presence. He taught how to manipulate the crowd by being late and stalling allowing people to see Hitler but Hitler did not speak until the crowd was starving to hear him. His posing and posturing was never impromptu everything was thought out planned. There are pictures of him rehearsing and practising his poses.

swbluto wrote:
Something like that just doesn't happen with aspergers.

The majority of people with Asperger's Syndrome have high verbal IQ's

Angel_ryan wrote:
He's dead so really we'll never know.

Well, they are trying to identify the genes that cause autism. If they discover the genetic markers they will be able to check his DNA. There was enough DNA to find there was Jewish ancestory in family tree so there should be enough to tell if he is autistic.

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson


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25 Nov 2011, 6:42 pm

DerStadtschutz wrote:
MakaylaTheAspie wrote:
It is also ironic, because Hitler was Austrian, not German. Who else do we know of that is Austrian? ;)

Arnold Schwarzenegger is Austrian.


Why did I open this thread? Whyyyy???

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25 Nov 2011, 7:35 pm

The scientist Micheal Fitzgerald thinks that Hitler did have aspergers. This man also thinks Newton,Orwell,Mozart,Warhol,Yeats and many others have aspergers too.
It's not because of what they did but their characteristics. This man is an expert. I trust his judgment. He seems intelligent.

I didn't have any idea there was already a thread on this topic. I have been here less than a month. :oops:


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25 Nov 2011, 8:03 pm

Ria1989 wrote:
People with Asperger's generally ARE followers.

Todesking wrote:
I always get into leadership posistions or put in charge of something. Bosses have always seen me as intelligent and responsible so they trust me enough to put me in charge of fellow emplyees. If the group involves a special intrest of mine I become a man possessed and people are attracted to this.

I resemble this remark, but, sometimes, the ideas which I have fixated upon were not my own.

I now question whether handlers will tend to empower passive people, so as to deflect attention from themselves.

You posted engaging points, which showed me something unpleasant, but frank, about myself.

BTW --

Todesking wrote:
...There was enough DNA to find there was Jewish ancestory in family tree...

We don't know whether these genes originated before or after the rift between Isaac and Ishmael.

If Hitler considered the mufti of Jerusalem to be his confidant, it may be less contentious to imply that he was descended from the line of Ishmael.

FWIW, my grandmother sewed Nazi emblems on German uniforms, sieg heiled, and taught me German phrases, unaware that her parents' surnames (and her in-laws' surnames) would someday become Israeli surnames.

My test is in the mail.


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25 Nov 2011, 11:37 pm

This clip is a little off topic but funny it does have some Hitler elements so I believe it on topic enough.


There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson

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26 Nov 2011, 12:14 am

It dosnt matter if hes was autistic or a psycopath hes an evil person and killed thousands of innocent people.


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26 Nov 2011, 12:59 am

turkey87953 wrote:
It dosnt matter if hes was autistic or a psycopath hes an evil person and killed thousands of innocent people.


There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die -Hunter S. Thompson


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26 Nov 2011, 1:33 am

turkey87953 wrote:
It dosnt matter if hes was autistic or a psycopath hes an evil person and killed thousands of innocent people.

Actually, it does matter. If we prove that Hitler was autistic, we can prove that someone autistic can basically do ANYTHING they might want in this world. We've already proved that someone autistic can run a huge company (Bill Gates), now we just need to prove someone who's very powerful in politics is autistic, and we will have proven autistics are capable of everything.