I'm still working on some minor modifications to my card, but I'll post when I'm ready with them. I've been posting in the threads Ever Used an Autism Alert Card? and Help designing an Asperger's card, what would you put on it? about this subject. I did a test run of my new card while on vacation, showing it to the nurse at a blood drive where I wanted to donate and also getting the reactions of helpful friends. This went fairly well.
(I couldn't donate blood, though - not because of my Asperger's or fibromyalgia, but because my iron was high enough to be healthy under normal circumstances but not high enough for me to be okay after giving a pint of blood. I was off by .5 on their quick test. I've been advised to eat peanut butter half an hour beforehand next time, to boost my iron that extra little bit. I'll try again in the future, following this advice.)
In the part of my card that lists extra info particular to the individual, I mention difficulty with sitting in the same position or standing for long periods because of my fibromyalgia, which I list as an additional health concern. After I make a couple of minor changes to the general part of the card, I'll also include in my personal section the info that "I have some degree of processing delay and sensory issues. I have occasional minor meltdowns/shutdowns. My issues are not always immediately apparent, and I can be quite friendly." This should help others who might not notice in me, personally, the things that are mentioned on the front of the card or who might need to know why I'm having specific difficulties. Other people can highlight other stuff on their cards in that section by typing in their own concerns, so it's highly personalized in that way for them.
Life is a classroom for a mind without walls.
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