The_Walrus wrote:
Sibyl wrote:
You're generalising. You might want to mind that being in a such a diverse forum. I've known white people with more Aboriginal in them than European.
You'd look at me and think I'm Hispanic and you'd be wrong.
I remember hearing in an Anthropology class sometime before 1965 that the purest Caucasians on Earth were the Aborigines as Cook found them. I suppose the way the islanders got around in their canoes that there might have been a little mixture.
Australian Aborigines come from the same line as Middle Eastern Arabs and Asians. Caucasians populate parts of Russia, Europe and North Africa. We can tell this from mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosomes.
Not that I'm saying I know for myself, but I'd call Middle Eastern Arabs Caucasians. I remember a little more about that class -- they said that all the Aborigines came from as few as seventeen individuals, probably coming from somewhere on floating logs, because they retained no canoe technology. I don't remember just _when_ they were supposed to have done this, but the sea levels were definitely lower in the Ice Ages, as in getting the Amerinds from Asia. There might have been other land bridges, or islands within sight of each other (or it might have been accidental). I suppose I should brush up on the DNA research: in the sixties, we didn't know there _was_ such a thing: just genes strung on chromosomes.
Asperges me, Domine