I have chronic headaches, and my mind is almost always foggy, and I cannot hear my thoughts even though I'm aware of there existence. It's as if my thoughts are veiled by a slightly-transparent cloth. Other than that, I have a terrible reaction to Concerta. It includes strong stomach ache, dizziness, an overall feeling of being weak and wobbly, diarrhoea (a couple of times), blood in my stool (once) and an even stronger than usual feeling that life is meaningless and generally horrid. The last time I took it I thought that I was actually going to die. I had to go to a different city than mine in Friday, and in Israel, public transportation stops working at a certain hour in Friday, and doesn't start working again until Sunday. I got lost some kilometres away from any bus station I knew, and I started feeling really sick. I walked aimlessly in the street, in panic, got dehydrated, until I had to sit down, feeling as if I might not get up again. Luckily I found a grocery store a couple of minutes before I collapsed and bought a 1.5 litre bottle of water, which I drank in its entirety.