I feel conflicted about it. On the one hand, I'm alright on my own. I need a lot of time to myself anyway, so the fact that I really don't talk to anyone besides the cashiers when I buy my groceries weekly and my mom every so often when she checks up on me doesn't really bother me. I'm not overjoyed about it, but I wouldn't say I'm lonely. I've been much more lonely when I've been surrounded by people I couldn't connect with, which is pretty much the source of my problem. I did have a group of people I hung out with in high school, but I don't know if "friends" would be the right word to describe our relationship. They were just people I sat with at lunch and listened to them chat so I could blend in better. At my school, loners weren't bullied, exactly, but they were definitely pitied, and I didn't want that. I only considered two of them friends and they were both at different times, and the actual friendship only lasted a few months before we went back to being casual acquaintances or lost touch all together. I did mourn both of those losses, probably because I rarely make friends, but it was somewhat unpleasant for me at best and was incredibly stressful and depressing at worst. Not to mention, it takes quite a bit of effort for me to even approach a group of people let alone be accepted by them. In my opinion, that process isn't worth it on the incredibly unlikely chance I'll connect with someone, so, yes, I would like to have someone I could confide in, trust, and talk with, but I don't see it happening any time soon so there's no use in complaining about it. Though I have to admit, TV and books sure gave me unrealistic friend expectations. Kidding, kind of.