jodiemh wrote:
Alot of people I know of who have Asperger's have been born through Cesareans, and I'm just wondering if there could be some mild connection. My brother was born 11 weeks premature, and is now 11 years old, he has just been diagnosed with Asperger's and he was also born through cesarean. Anyone else hear noticed some sort of mild connection, or does anyone else here have similar experiences... Or is it just a coincidence?
I read an article a few years ago that says that there had been a study done on Autistics and birth. They had discovered that none of the children that they studied who were Autistic had spent enough time in the birth canal. They came out too fast. I came out very fast as well. They found this to be the same with horses, that horses who did not spend enough time in the birth canal came out with Autistic symptoms. They were able to mitigate the Autism in the horses by applying deep pressure to their bodies shortly after birth. So I think it is very possible that cesareans could play a part.