Compared to my brothers, I took a while to learn to ride without training wheels - probably around the age of 8 or so. These days, I ride all the time, as it's usually more convenient (as well as healthier and less expensive) than driving.
I also do a bit of "road" biking - riding in a fashion similar to driving a car, taking a lane, stopping at traffic lights, signaling turns, yielding to pedestrians, etc, when traffic allows for it. I haven't had any major accidents yet (fallen off a few times, including getting my handlebars caught on a hidden branch, colliding with another cyclist around a blind corner, and hitting some pedestrians who happened to be walking in the bike lane)
I ride fairly fast, around 18-20 mph, on a mountain bike with smooth tires, and have done as much as ~40 miles in one day on some occasions. I would like to get a road bike some day.
"Tongue tied and twisted, just an earth-bound misfit, I" - Pink Floyd
(and then the tower cleared me for take off)