Surfman wrote:
OJani wrote:
When I mention here that communication between people on the spectrum can be just as difficult and faulty as between NTs and autistics I always get ignored or disagreed with.
Its difficult for a lot of members here to look at themselves in an honest manner
Your an engineer, Ojani? me too
Its funny, at the beach I make friends with strangers all the time.... back in the city and my home area - I dont even try[till lately]...
initially on WP I tried to make friends....... found the online friend experience disappointing [for me]and have now resigned myself to IRL only
recently I've been chatting up some strangers in the city.... and had some success regarding meaningful connections and shared moments
aspies need loving too!!
Hmm. I don't believe that an online relationship such as an internet friendship can reach the same intimacy level that an IRL friendship can. Experience has proved to me though that internet friendships do exist.
As for aspies (or autistics) needing love, I can speak only for myself, and I know for sure that I like to be loved. My trouble is that I tend to be in one-sided relationships where I'm on the receiving side. I honestly don't know how much of it is ASD related and how much is some kind of personality disorder, like borderline, narcissism, dependent pd, PTSD, whatever.
I can be a target for narcissistic (or similar) people, unfortunately, just like many ASD folks, as such people tend to be very nice and caring initially, but later becoming abusers who prey on (emotionally) weak and defenseless people like me.
Btw, I'm an economist.