My daughter once screamed a high pitch scream for an entire 45 minute flight.
Believe me...plenty of people looked like they wanted to hit her, or hit me for not hitting her.
It was also not comfortable for me. At all. It had my nerves on edge.
But you see, what none of them understood was that not only was she a toddler, she was an autistic toddler. I do not know if it was the pressure that hurt her so bad or if there was some frequency of noise that was hurting her. But clearly, the most miserable person on the plane was her.
I had the illusion of parents controlling their kids. Until I had kids. You do the best you can, but sometimes they still do things that other people may not like. But being angry at them, or their parents, is often not helpful since you can't always tell the difference between the spoiled brats who are allowed to act out and the kids with genuine issues who are just doing their best to cope with the world. And autism is not the only thing that causes kids to have issues in public places. I think it best to consider the possibilities before getting angry at a wee human.
Mom to 2 exceptional atypical kids
Long BAP lineage