Moondust wrote:
I hate guards, it exasperates me, but in my country it's been so for decades and they check your bag and body too when going in. The reason they try to make you talk is a security measure, that's why I cooperate with the chit-chat, even start talking nonsense to them before they ask, to make their job easier. Especially in war times, I try to be cooperative with the poor guys, they're just trying to make a living like all of us. But some days I just can't bring myself to talk and I'm like grrrr when I have to answer.
they check your body?! are people ok with this? bags are one thing but the body?
i hate the greeters but not personally. i just dislike the fact that they come up to me and look at me and say hi and ask me how i am, especially if they do not respond to my "how are you"s. and then they stare at you and follow you around and try make conversation or if im in the mens section and they know im shopping for myself they will tell me it is the mens section as if i am mistaken in being there.