MusicIsLife2Me wrote:
Some more that are just plain ODD to me.
Idioms are odd by nature.
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer".
Keep your friends close is obvious. Keep your enemies closer means, basically, make them think they are your closest friends, so they will confide in you and you'll always know what they're up to.
"A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush".
This comes from a fable. It's about greed. A man goes out to catch birds, does catch one, but on the way home finds two birds sitting in bush. In an attempt to catch the other two as well, he loses all three. He was too greedy.
"More than you can shake a stick at". (I suppose this one might mean something like - the problem is bigger than you can handle?)
Always known what this one meant, but never really thought about it. It means a lot, but not worth counting. It's origins are unknown, but here's a link with a little more info: ... -originateQuote:
"Cutting your nose off to spite your face".
This one reminds me of throwing out the baby with the bath water, but it's not quite the same.
Basically it just means that you're willing to hurt yourself in order to hurt others. The idea is that you hate your face, so out of spite for your face, you would cut off your nose. No, it doesn't make sense, because it's not supposed to. If someone were to tell you "You'd cut off your nose to spite your own face," they're telling you that you get so wrapped up in spite, you would do things that make no sense and harm yourself in the process.