sixstring wrote:
So I think that's why we end up being better at reading faces after a while.
Interestingly, I made my selections more so on what was said (content), how it was said (tone) and any context provided. And, then, I decided how that person should feel based upon that information.
Because I typically look at people’s mouths, I mostly do not "process" people's facial expressions. As a result, unless the character is happy (i.e. corners of mouth up), sad (i.e. corners of mouth down) or surprised (i.e. mouth open), I don’t get a lot of information from facial expressions.
So, let's take an example. On Test #2 – I guessed the woman was Embarrassed. Why? Well she was scolding the kids (content + tone). Then, the maid brought the woman a cake that was previously made by the kids (context). The natural emotion for the woman to feel was embarrassment (for having scolded the kids). I didn’t need to look at the face to guess that. LOL.