boynexdoor77 wrote:
I dont speak in monotone... A lot of people say since my voice isnt monotone I'm probably not really aspergers. Is there anyone else with this condition who does not speak in monotone?
I've been thinking of starting a thread on this very topic!
I don't speak in a monotone either. In fact of all the Aspie traits this is the one that I have the complete diametric opposite of - I think my voice varies
too much. I'll catch myself talking higher pitched than I would like, usually when I'm getting stressed or overwhelmed in some way, or someone's trying to argue with me.
I'll never forget the time I heard my voice on tape - I couldn't believe I sounded like that. Nasal. Just really nasal. I hate my voice. I've been really trying lately to concentrate on speaking in a "lower register" (a la Sheldon trying to teach Penny to speak like that, if you watch TBBT you might have seen that episode!)
Diagnosed "Asperger's to a moderate degree" April 7, 2015.
Aspie score 145 of 200
NT score 56 of 200
AQ score: 47
RAADS-R score: 196