I'm recently diagnosed aspie 9months ago, still learning. I'm still trying to do as you, trying to figure out how my brain works.
How I "do not think?"
I'm a working Engineer, Civil Engineer. I have no Engineering License, why? Because I'm unable to pass the Civil Engineering Surveying Exam. So I "do not think" like a Engineering Surveyor. Why? I think it's because of my AUTISM. Engineering Surveyors think with geomatics, spatial geomatics. Good Surveyors are like the Abstract Artists, and I am AUTISTIC so at best I visualize and draw like Temple Grandin which is concrete. When I draw a building, like Temple describes in book, I walk around the property edges first drawing as I walk. Good Surveyors can think sequentially, and have a top-down generalizing view of drawing.
All distractions sensory ruin me to meltdown (how I do not think).
Mindblindness knows no boundary, Nuerotypicals are like sharks (firing me, hate me...etc...), and I am their feed. (how I do not think)
How I "do think?"
I'm excellent at data collection very precise and accurate. The only issue with data collection is writing down transferring the data appropriately to paper/computer. My mind sees the data, my mind says data to itself in my head, then on occasion I write down the incorrect data (not on purpose).
When I draw a building, like Temple describes in book, I walk around the property edges first drawing as I walk. I believe it's called associating pictures and cataloguing pictures. I really like to draw, and always have. I don't draw at work though, the CAD work space in cubicles is very "small talk", and sensory unfriendly.
I did best in Differential Equations Math, did ok in 3-dimensional Calculas yet had to take one Calculas Class over too hard for me. I took a few computer programming languages, but stopped due to money problems, sensory problems, and being undiagnosed autism.
Music? I think of songs in my head constantly. Playing music though wasn't/isn't conducive (is it safe?) in any of my living environments. I love the quiet solitude, not the loud noise. I love Buddhist Chanting though, and think my main monk I chant to was probly autistic. I am very hyperactive, playing music isn't what I do in my free time.