Bloodheart wrote:
It's always immediate for me - I figure I can mimic NT behaviour but as it's not natural I don't get it perfect, and some people respond negatively to this - people have an instant dislike to me, I never know why and nor do others (often I don't realise this until someone points it out to me or until they start getting particularly nasty towards me), but it can get quite aggressive.
I figure with some of us on the spectrum it's like that, for others our 'unusual' behaviour (not just the weird stuff but social awkwardness, not syncing up with NT's) doesn't appear to others or become an issue with others until further down the line.
Imagine a verbal conversation like this (Assume Dave is the Aspie here).
Jim is having a party over at Mulligan’s for Jill’s birthday.
Megan wants to come over to the party.
<non-verbal portion>
Dave, don’t make a big deal, but let everyone know about the party.
Now, assume this is the entire conversation
Jim is having a party over at Mulligan’s for Jill’s birthday.
Megan wants to come over to the party.
<Non Verbal: But we can’t stand Megan, leave her out>.
Dave, don’t make a big deal, but let everyone know about the party.
Some might argue this example is unrealistic. Even if it is unrealistic, how much non-verbal communication does one have to miss before it becomes an issue?
I take it that Dave will probably misread the nonverbal cues and actually let everyone know there is a party at Mulligan's, including Megan.