Wasted Intellect
Really cynical. Each person is here to contribute to the advancement of human civilization. We all have a role to play, it's spiritual and is between us and our Creator -- so who cares about greedy corporations.
Doesn't your religion encourage compassion for the difficulties that she has experienced? I hear judgement coming from you.
Is that the way your creator wants you to treat her?
You have shared your perspective....can you not let her share hers sans the judgement?
I couldn't care less about human cicilization, a creator I never believed in and large corporations. The only reason I went to work was for the money I earned and I don't regret that one bit. I don't have a role to play and I don't want one either. Are you guys living in reality or fantasialand?
Really cynical. Each person is here to contribute to the advancement of human civilization. We all have a role to play, it's spiritual and is between us and our Creator -- so who cares about greedy corporations.
Doesn't your religion encourage compassion for the difficulties that she has experienced? I hear judgement coming from you.
Is that the way your creator wants you to treat her?
You have shared your perspective....can you not let her share hers sans the judgement?
I couldn't care less about human cicilization, a creator I never believed in and large corporations. The only reason I went to work was for the money I earned and I don't regret that one bit. I don't have a role to play and I don't want one either. Are you guys living in reality or fantasialand?
My comments were to Oceandrop alone.
Really cynical. Each person is here to contribute to the advancement of human civilization. We all have a role to play, it's spiritual and is between us and our Creator -- so who cares about greedy corporations.
Doesn't your religion encourage compassion for the difficulties that she has experienced? I hear judgement coming from you.
Is that the way your creator wants you to treat her?
You have shared your perspective....can you not let her share hers sans the judgement?
I couldn't care less about human cicilization, a creator I never believed in and large corporations. The only reason I went to work was for the money I earned and I don't regret that one bit. I don't have a role to play and I don't want one either. Are you guys living in reality or fantasialand?
My comments were to Oceandrop alone.
Yeah, so what?
This is a public forum. If you want to have a one on one cyber conversation with Oceandrop you should go to the chatroom or send him or her a private message. That's probably for the best since you guys don't seem to be making sense anyway.
Test scores aside and seeing this topic in a purely intrinsic and perceptual idea of self intellect I think I spent far too much energy trying to navigate the neuro typical world versus having energy at all to develop me and my passions and I hope that now I am more able to settle into my personal interest.
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Well, seeing as I currently do nothing more productive than sit around and read novels , watch cartoons , go on this site and daydream when I have a verbal IQ in the superior range and a B.A. degree with honours , I'd say I'm wasting my intellect. I will be trying to go back to school to train for something specific that might actually prepare me for a job this September so there's a possibility of me doing something useful in time. I certainly don't think I have some great potential to save humanity, cure cancer or be the next Mozart but I do believe I have the potential to contribute something to society. Hopefully I will fulfil this potential in time, better late than never.
Yeah, wasted intellect and/or time. I feel like I've been farting around for years doing "sidekick" jobs (cashier, reception, dental assistant, etc.) when with my smarts I could have been the boss.
Part of my problem is I don't have a very good imagination. Once in a while maybe I'll get an idea but most the time I need an external "spark". Give me a problem and I'll find you a solution.
Another part of my personal experience of wasted intellect/time, I believe, is sexism. Females aren't supposed to be good at math and the sciences or industrial arts. I know women do go into those fields but they've been the exception rather than the norm. I was the only girl in metal shop in high school in the 80s. I was the one who won the science olympiad award out of the whole school. No one ever took me aside and encouraged me to do anything with my abilities. When I graduated high school I went and got a cashier job because I didn't know what else to do with myself.
I fell into dental assisting and then between working in that field for over a decade and then being a stay at home mom for a few years, I'm pretty much unemployable in this job market. So, I finally went to college....which is where I should have went when I was 18, not 38.
Regarding IQ, I really don't think it means a whole lot. Especially if it's really designed to measure NT intelligence. I got invited to join Mensa after taking their IQ test online some years ago but thought the whole thing sounded a bit contrived, kind of like how you're supposed to feel special if you're offered an American Express credit card.
Capitalism is a system that promotes competitiveness as i) a proxy form of quality control and ii) system to promote evolution and progress (whatever that means) in society. Even if you have an IQ to qualify for Mensa, you still need to a) function in a NT society b) network with NTs and c) comply with NT expectations. The stronger the urge to follow your "ASD urges" for routine or self stimming etc the less likely you will be able to keep up with a-c.
I can definitely understand your standpoint. I think this is probably my biggest hindrance in terms of doing something more like holding a job. I have what I like to call "action protocols" which are procedures that I follow when they are prompted by other rote-memory events or needs. I do not Stimm a whole lot, but sometimes, especially in crowds, I do. Such as smacking my thighs or shaking things. caught myself using a candy box as a sort of rattler yesterday night. Most of the information I collect does not have fiscal applications (although they are mostly academic in nature).
I think on the one hand having a strong intellect is a very beneficial attribute. On the other hand, I think that not using it is a waste. But the idea of how something is used productively can be extremely subjective and generally seen in terms of fiscal applicability. Thus, this was one of the main reasons I withdrew from college again. I at least have an associate's degree. Enough paper to get a job in a clerical field if I so chose. But at thirty, this is very unappealing. My gf thinks I should try to get disability again, because she does not think (regardless of my intellect) that I will be able to handle the pressures of the average work environment. She has no problem with me being a house wife.
And to be honest, quitting school will give me more time to dedicate to my drawing.
I took a few years off to be a house-husband, I'm back at work but only part time. One of the issues I have when I am at a job for long than 6 months is that I start to get bored of social expectations (developing relationships with work colleagues). I am very private and prefer not to invite people home or go out on work lunches etc. I find NT people (even nice caring ones) to be very two dimensional and I can only take work place interaction so much.
My IQ has turned out average (around 100) in clinical testing, and my academic progress has been good (a master of science with good grades), so I do not feel that I have wasted any intelligence, but rather got much more out of it than many others. I think conscientiousness and associative horizon has been important factors in this regard, because of the need to score well on the core values in university; judgement and independence.
Definitely. everyone goes on about how smart I am, yet I feel like I'm the biggest underachiever ever. I haven't really done anything with my life besides studying the topics I'm interested in deeply. Once I'm done with something I move on and never look at it again. It's a shame, really. If I just stuck to something I'd probably be pretty well off. I honestly think that if it weren't for family pressures, I would have probably not made it through college as much as I have.
AQ: 42
Your Aspie score: 171 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 38 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie
I managed to get hold of some test records from long ago that put my IQ at 135.
The same tests note that I have organizational issues and an underlying deficit in rote processing of information and had a lot of trouble with handwriting.
I scored in the 95th+ percentile in everything but spelling, where I scored in the 5th percentile.
I was invited to begin taking college level science classes in 9th grade.
I dreamed of being a scientist... I went to an Ivy League University and another top University, but I never graduated, I spent a chunk of time unemployed and have achieved only minor promotion at work.
My dream was to be a scientist, but I became a graphic designer. This actually aligns well with my skills, but I feel I missed my calling.
Somehow I managed to hold onto my job for the better part of two decades and have been married for the better part of three decades. I own my own house and have two kids.
When I was diagnosed with AS, the Psychiatrist said that he had rarely seen someone with such clear symptoms who coped so well. I don't know how much of that relative success is due to my efforts and how much is due to my amazing and wonderful NT wife, but that's the only solace I have when I read about new scientific work and feel miserable for not doing that work.
I am glad I can still enjoy reading about it, though. I have in recent years added to my lasting interest in Physics and Astronomy an interest in Microbiology and virology. Contemplating these sciences gives me a feeling of the patternicity of the universe that is probably the closest thing I know to a religious feeling.
Also, in recent years I have come to enjoy math for it's own sake, when before I saw it as only interesting in the service of science.
I wish I had understood Aspergers when I was in college--I think I would have been able to realize my dreams if I had known--but that's just idle speculation now.
This thread is rather prescient, as I've been feeling this way for the past couple of days. I came across a quote a few nights ago, "nothing is as common as wasted talent." It was like a punch in the gut.
I'm coming to terms with the overwhelming likelihood that I am just another grad school casualty and that my dreams of being an academic (more precisely, a tenured professor at some university somewhere) were but so much fairy dust. It's hard not to be bitter, and impossible not to despair, but I must move on with my life somehow. But how? That is the question. Right now it's looking pretty bleak.
It's also looking like my potential will only ever be expressed through my hobbies. I write pretty well. I could write a novel if I had the time, and it might actually turn out good. I'm also one of those Aspies who's all but a congenital musical prodigy. My formal training is next to zero other than what I've taught myself, and I need to learn enough to where the music constantly playing in my head (full symphonies at times!) can be put down on paper and made tangible. You can get an incredible amount of mileage just knowing time signatures and the various scales, but I need to learn notation and the more esoteric theoretical stuff.
At minimum I just want to be able to record some weird little rock and roll album. Bass guitar is the only instrument I can claim to be an expert at; throw in a good drum program such as Addiction and some sloppy guitar and I'd have something. If I can record one solid album that will be a gigantic milestone in my life. For various reasons I will have to do it alone. I think that's doable with today's technology.
I honestly wouldn't despair. I spent many years working as a research assistant for a number of different university professors. They are all quite singular minded, selfish and self centered. Despite their academic brilliance, they have qualities such as rudeness and self inflated arrogance that I or any reasonable person would not aspire towards. If you are losing sleep over not being an academic then there are more productive things you can do with your life that are more self satisfying than having a title in front of your name.
For every professor/academic who makes an important discovery there are 500 who are simply bleeding the taxpayer dry writing nonsense.
Tufted Titmouse
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Agreed. I was nosy once in my psychiatrist's office and flipped through my medical chart while he stepped out. I saw the words "above average" intelligence a couple of times, along with a list of my other "issues". Yet I have never taken an IQ test, because for some reason I don't think it will reflect true intelligence, which to me involves a little bit of gut animal instinct and "street smarts" as well as logic and standard college questions, but that is just the way I view true intelligence.
I also gladly waste away my intelligence daydreaming, reading, pursuing solitary hobbies and thinking up imaginary stories in my head, instead of going for the college degree and much needed pay raise I'm sure I could get if I didn't also have a stubborn and lazy side that doesn't want to put away those activities in order to become stressed and drained from the college experience. I currently only have a couple of technical degrees specifically relating to my job from a Vo-Tech along with a GED, so yeah, "blissful waste" is a pretty accurate term for me