Jensen wrote:
OK, so 23 percentile in speed is incredibly slow

But what is ms? And why does it say: Flex: overall 1384 ms, 188/192 = 97% AND accuracy 67 pctl, speed 6 pct.
How do I read/understand that?
"ms" is milliseconds, so you got 1.384 seconds.
The "188/192 = 97%" is probably how many correct 'points,' and the "67pctl" and "6pctl" are the percentiles which mean that you scored better than 67% of people who took the test in accuracy, and better than 6% of people in speed.
For the "pctl," imagine that 99% of people only got 10% of the questions right. In that case, getting 96/192 = 50% of the questions correct would probably put you above the 90pctl (which would mean that you scored better than 90% of people who took the test). (I can't say exactly what the pctl in that example would be because it would require doing some math and I'm really tired.)