Nice to see this thread revived. I've actually thought of it lately. Since my post in January 2014 when I posted the below quote, I've had a few dreams where I talk to someone and am extremely awkward. I won't look up at all and just stare down at the ground and say in the course of the dialogue that I have autism, sometimes more using it as an excuse to not even try, sometimes actually being like that for real in the dream and trying to explain.
Skilpadde wrote:
No, I'm not aspie-like in my dreams. I can read people perfectly in my dreams and I never have food issues. If I have obsessions I will dream of them but they work for me in the dream in that I can do what they're about, like being hired by a company related to it or otherwise getting to do something related to it. My special interest in turtles influence some dreams, although I dream more about the pets I had.
I have never had dreams that were just colors or shapes as I have seen people here talk about before.
In the vast majority of my dreams there are people, either people I know/ know of, or people I only know in the dream, and I always interact with them.
racheypie666 wrote:
I never really thought about it. I do have very vivid, detailed and bizarre dreams, to the point where people say I'm making them up
(well, my
brain made them up...?! how can a dream be 'too weird'?)
I am also capable of dreaming entire 'stories' or 'episodes' in my head. In those dreams I'm not part of the action at all, I'm just watching it all unfold.
That makes little sense, one dreams what one dreams. When I tell my mother about some of my dreams, she sometimes says "what an imagination!" It's not that she doesn't believe me, but she seldom remembers her own dreams. Some of the ones she did, was fairly imaginative too though.
I've had quite a few dream adventures and nightmares. In my last one I was threatened by a shadow people man.
I too have dreams where I just see a story unfold and am not part of it, just watching it.
And of course, sometimes my dreams are just boring mixup of real things like making dinner or something uninteresting like that.
I really like the dreams that are about adventure and excitement, even if they are nightmares, they are fun tio think back at once I'm awake. When I was writing stories when I was younger, my dreams inspired some of my stories.