I originally came here to be educated about AS by the experts who are considered AS,rather then the "specialist",who I have found to be constantly, unapologetically wrong about......almost everything.
I stayed, because I "met" people I thought were intelligent, humorous and shared some of my perceptions.Also have been given some great links to information and entertainment links I was unaware of.It's so nice not to be told that.....
"you think to much,you are such a black and white thinker,quit worrying about it and just be happy,why dont you smile more?
You are so self-centered,why dont you care how I feel you...... insensitive,cold fish."
People may think those things about me here but they dont say it and it allows me to be my own "defective"self without all the energy of trying to analysis every word before I type it.
I am also a bit odd for an aspie,in that one of my interests has always been.....people....how they think,what they feel,what they do.The smaller the detail,the more interesting it is to me.
Just because one plane is flying out of formation, doesn't mean the formation is on course....R.D.Lang
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