Of the origanls all exept the ones on driving and the mall apply to me.
Here is my try at it.
...the entire senor class asked you to come up with the best senior prank ever and you pulled through with flying colors.
...you have developed your own multiple personalites to be even stranger.
...you carry a Zippo, Swiss Army Knife, duct tape, and first aid kit on you at all times.
...you have a favorite brand of duct tape but you only buy solid color t-shirts from K-Mart or JCPenny's (which ever is cheaper).
...you have watched CNN at 3 A.M.
...you have watched C-SPAN for longer than five minutes.
...you rarely do your homework but have spent three hours at the local library to prove a teacher wrong on someting they said durring a lecture.
...you laugh when people say funny things like "Trust me."
...people come to your house for the first time and wonder where you hid all your drugs and drug parphelia at.
...you have ever used a snow shovel indoors to clean your room.
...you took chemistry a year early in high school so you could learn how to burn things better.
...you have taken up more than six hobbies up in a single weekend.
...you think Weird Al is your personal mesiah.
...you have deliberated theoretical phsics with a substitute teacher once and they never came back to your school again.
...you went to go see "X-Men: The Movie" when it came out and pointed out every false hood acording to each individual X-Men comic book series.
...in English class your teacher anouced the next book you will be reading and you raised your hand and told him "But I read that one already," and proceded to recite the book from the begining.
...your teachers were affraid of you.
...your parents gave up on making you stand in the corner until you were sorry really fast.
...your dentist suddenly packed up and moved to a diffrent state.
...the emergency room attedies know you on a first name basis.
...you have come up with your own origami patterns.
...you have left stories of lore about your self that have circulated through the high school for at least four or five years after you graduated.
...you have done marthon RISK, Monopoly, model building, TV watching, video game playing, reading, and/or electronics "maitnace" for upwards of eleven hours without leaving your chair once.
It is good I can make light of myself almost as much as I make fun of everyone else.
(Speaking of which it has been a long time since anyone has played a game of marathon game of RISK or Monopoly with me.)
"No matter how many instances of white swans we see, we must never assume that all swans are white." ~Sir Karl Popper
*I picked this username 4 years ago when I was in high school. Don't hold it against me.