"He's an odd bird? maybe Asperger's or something?"
Plants have been used in their natural forms as medicine for thousands of years. There's no scam about the medicinal properties of plants.
I have no idea who Mercola is, so no I haven't seen a picture of his mansion nor do I know what his business is.
m8, I've seen people like you, absolutely desperate to convince others of how full of joy and blessings they are; they used to be born-again Christians, but - online at least - the bible thumpers have been replaced by the diet thumpers . Just to show that I'm not a total cynic, I do know a few people who are optimistic, easy-going and reasonably happy. More to the point, I believe that they are not putting on an act; that's really them, that's who they are. They don't need to be obnoxiously ostentatious about it, because they almost certainly never give themselves that much thought.
As for Mercola he was the guy who wrote this tripe.
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... utism.aspx
m8, according to my mum, I would only eat yoghurt and weetabix as a small child (admittedly I have no memory of this). Never took any antibiotics, so they didn't destroy my gut flora either. Basically, gut flora is the trendy focus of research and likely will be for some time to come. But until somebody explains to me why there are thousands of people living happily without colons (and, thusly, the vast majority of their gut bacteria, but you already knew that virtually all of the gut flora resides in the colon, right?), I'll continue to think concentrating so heavily on the gut flora is a crock of s**t which won't go anywhere useful.
EDIT: In IBD, there seems to be some insanely complex interaction between genes, environment, gut bacteria, and the immune system which triggers it. It usually starts in early adulthood or late teens. Autism is present from early childhood with no exceptions to this rule. Why would a f**ked up gut flora trigger autism in early childhood, but not IBD until 20 years (on average) later?
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OK, first up naturopaths are universally clueless, by definition, otherwise they wouldn't be naturopaths. Anyone who doesn't believe in evidence-based medicine is not someone to consult on what you should do with your body or how to look after your health.
Secondly, you misrepresent how doctors work. Whilst they are human and don't have the ability to keep up with every advance, their education is lifelong and they are keeping up with advances. Whilst much of their information is provided by industry, they also keep up to date with scientific journals. The suggestion that they don't do anything that doesn't profit the pharmaceutical industry is nonsense. Most of my experience with doctors has involved them talking about diet, hydration and exercise, as the solution to issues varying from cardiovascular troubles to anxiety, sleeplessness and IBS. If they were pharma shrills then I'd be hooked on codeine and taking beta blockers, anti-depressants and Diazepam. Pills are a last resort.
Naturopaths are far from clueless. Especially my friend, Jack. Anyone would be impressed at the volumes of medical texts he reads on a regular basis. His office at home is wall to wall floor to ceiling books.. and he's given away probably just as many or more. He definitely fits the bill of a doctor dedicated to lifelong learning vs. someone who is clueless. The books he reads come from virtually every medical/healing culture on the planet, as well as many from varying points in history. To say that Naturopaths are clueless is just plain ignorant. Whatever your reasons for hating on Naturopaths are I don't really know.. but IMO they're unfounded and likely stem from ignorance and/or some sort of indoctrinated academic prejudice that you've picked up by taking your pre-med science classes. That is my guess, anyways. I will, however, concede that I didn't have nearly the faith in natural medicine prior to my last couple of years' experiences in life. Some of the things I now swear by were on the verge of laughable to me just a few short years ago - but that was due to my own ignorance. I've since learned differently.
I'm not misinterpreting anything. I'm interpreting based on my experience & exposure to doctors and medicine here in Canada, and of course, American television. My GP was an Orthopaedic Surgeon in Poland before emigrating to Canada and redoing his medical education to become a GP here. He's significantly more open to natural medicines, diet, exercise etc than pretty much any other MD I've seen. The Western Medicine way seems to be to try to solve everything with a pill pumped out by big pharma. It's significantly more so like that in the USA. Ever watch American television and notice just how many commercials are for pharmaceutical products that you should "ask your doctor about"? It's absolutely appalling. Tales from American friends South of the border confirm this. Perhaps the UK system differs dramatically enough from the American system that pushing a pill for everything under the sun isn't the way that medical treatments are done. I can't say as I've never been to the UK nor seen a British Doctor for anything.
No for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.
The questions I've put up in this thread this guy hasn't even acknowledged, let alone attempted to answer. It's obviously so far outside of his realm of knowledge that he just blips over it, like it was never there.
Instead he just goes on and on and on about... nothing. Quantity over quality.
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I suggest trying it because that's the only way anyone will know for sure if it works for them. That and trying it would result in finding out whether it works in a matter of days or weeks vs. waiting years for someone else' medical study to tell you that it works. But even then such a study would likely be conducted & produced by a Naturopath vs. MD and you might not believe it then, anyways, if you choose not to believe medical information coming from sources that aren't MD's.
Nothing I've posted conflicts with medical science. Please feel free to point out what I've said that conflicts with medical science of any kind. I'm curious.
What proof would you like for me to provide besides my own story/testimonial & the recommendation that people give it a shot for themselves for their own experiential proof? If there is something more I can provide, I'll provide it. Feel free to request anything & if I can offer it up I'll be just as transparent about it as I have with the entire protocol I've followed.
We have socialized medicine in Canada as well, and like you, we pay for it through taxes vs. fees on each visit. Doctors don't have quite the same financial incentives to peddle drugs here as in America, either. I've never heard that ASD cannot be cured ever. Maybe it can't be completely cured due to whatever component of it is genetic, but it most certainly can be treated - I've done it. Further, R&D is constantly being done into treatments for it. They wouldn't bother researching if the foregone conclusion was that it was impossible to treat or cure. In one of the links I posted, there's mention of over 100 people on the spectrum who were functionally cured by diet alone to the point where their symptoms were no longer clinically significant. Obviously it can and has been done by more than just myself.
No Naturopath or Herbalist sold me any herbs or natural medicines nor told me they would treat or cure my autism. If you bothered to read my thread, my Herbalist friend's Naturopathic Doctor father guessed at a common diagnosis & I went ahead and did the research into it myself and put 2 and 2 together, researched how to treat it, went to various local shops and bought things I needed and did it myself. No doctor or healer of any kind profited by selling me anything or persuading me to buy anything from them. Nor did any of them expressly tell me that this or that plant will treat or cure my autism.
I haven't been paid by any Naturopath or Herbalist or retailer of herbs etc. I have more money now than ever in my life, yes, because the treatments I've put myself through have resulted in such positive changes in my life that I've been back to work more than full time hours over the last year+ and have earned my money. In just over a year I'm up approximately $27K in cash & stocks that I never could have earned had my symptoms remained as strong and life hindering as they had for years. I mention the money not to brag (lol it's not millions, anyways.) but rather because some people are financially motivated and might be inspired to try improving their own health in order to earn more money for themselves. Also, it's a pretty good quantifiable result of increased social success & much higher functioning levels.
Of course big pharma would like to sell a pill to treat autism. They don't sell pills to cure damn near anything. They treat diseases and manage symptoms - that's how they get repeat business for life from their customers. Curing anything is bad for business for big pharma. If big pharma had a pill they could market to treat autism you bet they'd be selling it. They don't have one, yet, and that's why they continue to do R&D into it and will likely eventually come up with something they can make money with that's marketed specifically for autism instead of adhd/anxiety/depression etc. I'm not sure what your point is in pointing out this obviousness nor how I'm on shaky ground?
My symptoms are extremely minimal.. a "functional cure," as I've called it. Yes, it is good for me. I am happier everywhere I am, thanks. I'm not here to bug you. You're not obligated to read my posts nor respond to them if you don't want to. That's all on you, bud. As I've said several times before, all of these conditions that are separated by psychiatry seam to all be exacerbated by the same root digestive cause. They may each have an individual genetic predisposition, I have no way of knowing, but I do know that having done what I've done has either reduced them all significantly or eliminated them entirely. I never said they were caused by autism. I said they were all either caused or exacerbated by intestinal dysbiosis. I'm very familiar with how intense my own autism symptoms used to be and how minimal they are now, and I know what I've done differently that's changed things. The traits don't just appear to have lessened - they have. Again, like I've said over and over, don't take my word for it - try it for yourselves and see if you experience similar results. It's not overly difficult to procure & prepare food to eat. Easier and less time consuming than spending so much effort typing up posts to call me a liar, IMO.
Feel free to point out any flaw you want. I didn't write any of the articles. I won't take it personally. Obviously the same diet protocol, supplements, and permutations are ideal. It's especially important to do things in the correct order vs. skip straight to consuming more probiotics, for example, in order to optimize improvement - yes. No, just eating a few more vegetables and herbs for a couple of weeks won't likely change your lifestyle much. It does need to be done rather disciplined & for good reason that I've explained in depth already. I'm not quite sure what point you're trying to make. Putting oneself on a restrictive medicinal diet doesn't necessarily mean that they have to have a major change in lifestyle. You're still free to spend your time and energy on whatever you do in life. Just the foods you consume will likely be different. How different depends entirely on what you eat now, doesn't it? So, I have no way of knowing how dramatically your diet would have to change personally? but I do know that you won't have to give up any interest, hobby, or activity that makes up the rest of your lifestyle. Why would you have to change any of that in order to eat different foods?
Suit yourself. For anyone else willing to try things for themselves vs. wait through years of frustration and misery for someone else to tell them it's OK to get healthier and happier, they're welcome to give my diet/treatment protocol a go and/or message me with any questions. Again, I was very transparent about the fact that my symptoms were life crippling & my depression was nearly life ending and that I would do A N Y T H I N G to be better. That was my own personal motivation to try and do anything I could, and I have. You're welcome to continue doing whatever it is you do & cope with whatever symptoms you have. I have never told you that you must do this. I've merely offered it up to everyone as what has helped me for anyone else willing to try it for themselves. If it's not for you, don't do it. It really is as simple as that. You're not obligated to even read and respond to my posts, but since you have I'm replying to yours and answering your questions so that others may benefit from reading our correspondence. I know what I know about myself just as well as anyone else on these forums. I've read the textbooks and lived a lifetime of experiences that I can relate to. I don't need you or anyone else to confirm what I already know about myself, thanks.
Of course I won't give up on trying to help others with what has improved my life so dramatically. Why would I do that? Further, your arguments aren't excellent if that's what you're referencing. They're simply the ramblings of someone who doesn't believe me and chooses to try to discount what I have to say and offer to this community. I don't have to stop debating this with you or anyone. If someone makes the effort to reply to my posts and is respectfully debating with me, I'll respond in kind. Like I said in the thread in my signature, I'm not peddling anything. I haven't asked for one red cent for anything. Not information, not an offer to sell anyone any herbs or natural medicines. Nothing. I've given my story away for the taking because those who need it most are likely in the financial situation I once was and cannot afford to pay for much of anything. I still have zero intentions of making any money out of any of this. How you can possibly say I'm peddling anything is beyond me. I'm only sharing what has worked so well for me so that others can benefit from it if they choose to. If you don't choose to, that's your prerogative. No need to attack me for it. And once again, anyone reading this is free to try it for themselves and have their proof of whether it works for them as it has me within a matter of days or weeks.
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I've stressed it as much as I have because my entire life is night and day different for the better. I used to be miserable, depressed, anxious & frustrated as I spun my wheels going nowhere.. now I'm happy & healthy and moving forward, onward, and upwards in every area of my life. Big changes worth sharing about.
http://articles.mercola.com/sites/artic ... utism.aspx
Tripe? I just read every word of it & it mirrors my experience and learning over the last couple of years almost exactly. It's not tripe. It's the real deal.
A diet of only yoghurt and weetabix could have contributed to an imbalanced gut for sure - especially if the yoghurt was "dead" vs. filled with living probiotics. As I've posted before, and as is mentioned in the Mercola link above, babies inherit gut flora from their mothers. You don't have to have taken antibiotics to create an imbalance - you could have been born with one.
As for those without colons, I've read that there are more signals going from the gut to the brain than the brain to the gut. I wonder if it's possible that when people have their colons removed if the nerves that send signals are also severed/removed, then signals stop sending/receiving & thus there's no potential for negative signals to be transmitted? Further, if the colon isn't there it can't be leaky and food/bacterial/fecal chemicals cannot leak out into the blood stream and trip the brain with their toxins. Maybe one or both of those are explanations? I don't know any better than you do, I'm just guessing.
Maybe autism symptoms don't take much of an imbalance to trigger but it takes ~20 years for the imbalance to continue to grow and develop into IBD symptoms as the effects compound? That would make sense to me. Again, it's just a guess as I can't possibly know.
No for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.
I appreciate your enthusiasm to help others, I really do. Please understand there is a difference between promoting a healthy lifestyle to improve quality of life for others as opposed to claiming you have a miraculous cure to a plethora of diseases. You're telling people to adhere to your extreme diet and/or PM you for specific advice when you are not in a position to diagnose or treat anyone. Just because someone sends you a private message asking for advice on how to heal some specific disease doesn't mean that person is actually suffering from said disease. Simply put, you just don't know.
Thank you for sharing your success story but you are taking this too far. At this point you're not being altruistic, you're claiming to have a miracle cure to a plethora of diseases and telling other people they will experience similar success if they just follow your specific dietary instructions.
You are not a doctor or a professional of any sort in any area related to nutrition/health yet you continue to act as if you are. I understand you're not asking for money but you are trying to give other people specific instructions on how they can "cure" any number of diseases. It's not safe or morally right.
Last edited by blueblahbleh on 16 Oct 2014, 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I've stressed it as much as I have because my entire life is night and day different for the better. I used to be miserable, depressed, anxious & frustrated as I spun my wheels going nowhere.. now I'm happy & healthy and moving forward, onward, and upwards in every area of my life. Big changes worth sharing about,
But feeling miserable, depressed, anxious and frustrated are no autistic core-symptoms, everyone can feel like that.
And I am aware that good nutrition is important, nowadays a lot of foods are highly processed and altered influencing the health in a negative way.
But in my opinion it is not right to tell anyone like you told your manager that autism is treatable without prove, as far as I read your thread you haven't got an officail diagnosis of autism and what you write above these are no autistic core-symptoms.
But it's good that you feel better.
I myself take many biological-available nutritional supplements and I eat no junk food at all and not much processed food or "empty" food, my body is fine but I still have autism, I am on disability for that.
English is not my native language, so I will very likely do mistakes in writing or understanding. My edits are due to corrections of mistakes, which I sometimes recognize just after submitting a text.
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Time and time again I've said that I've shared what's worked for me so well that I'm sharing it with others. That's it. I've said people can feel free to PM me because posts in threads result in people attacking what I've shared vs. productive conversation about it. I have never once told anyone to PM me for a diagnosis. Several people have pm'd me over the months and we've discussed things like diet, how best to optimized limited funds for healthy groceries, or their unease with the rest of the treatment protocol I've transparently posted about. I've answered any questions they've had to the best of my abilities, that sort of thing. I've never once claimed to be a doctor nor have I diagnosed anyone with anything. Further, anything I've posted or discussed with anyone about diet isn't anything that's going to do anyone one iota of harm. Pretty sure that chicken soup with spices & mushrooms isn't going to hurt anyone.. and if anyone has specific allergies then that's for them to know about and be cautious about.
I said I've achieved miraculous results for myself, yes, because they have been that good it was an appropriate word to describe them. I have never once referred to what I've done as a "miracle cure to a plethora of diseases." You wrote that, not me. I have also not told anyone in my posts or pm's that they will experience similar success if they follow my specific dietary instructions. I've said, repeatedly, that the only way for anyone to find out if they will experience similar results for themselves is to try it for themselves and then they'll find out for themselves whether or not they receive the benefits I have. If they do, then they can be pretty certain that the root cause exacerbating their symptoms is the same as mine that I've treated in this manner. Pretty simple, really.
Correct, I am not a doctor nor professional nutritionist or health worker. I've never claimed to be & in fact have stated many times over that I am not. How am I acting as a doctor? I haven't diagnosed anyone nor prescribed anything. I've merely shared what I have learned and done that's worked for me for anyone else willing to try it for themselves. That's it. If you're not interested in reading it or trying it, don't. It really is that simple. I'm most certainly not asking for money. I've provided the specifics of how I've treated myself and shared the results I've achieved. It's entirely up to others whether they choose to discuss it with me here on the forums like you're choosing to right now, or whether they choose to try some or all of what I've done for themselves. IMO it's perfectly safe for me to share what I've done to treat myself, and as for morality - it would feel immoral NOT to share what I've done & the results I've achieved with the very group of people suffering from the same set of problems. All I can do is put it out there, it's entirely up to others who read it whether they decide to give it a go for themselves or not.. but I'd feel like the biggest jerk in the world had I done what I've done and my life changed as it has and I didn't share my story with others who could benefit from it. If you were in my position, you'd share what you'd done, too. Or at least I hope you would vs. keeping it to yourself, anyways.
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I've stressed it as much as I have because my entire life is night and day different for the better. I used to be miserable, depressed, anxious & frustrated as I spun my wheels going nowhere.. now I'm happy & healthy and moving forward, onward, and upwards in every area of my life. Big changes worth sharing about,
But feeling miserable, depressed, anxious and frustrated are no autistic core-symptoms, everyone can feel like that.
And I am aware that good nutrition is important, nowadays a lot of foods are highly processed and altered influencing the health in a negative way.
But in my opinion it is not right to tell anyone like you told your manager that autism is treatable without prove, as far as I read your thread you haven't got an officail diagnosis of autism and what you write above these are no autistic core-symptoms.
But it's good that you feel better.
I myself take many biological-available nutritional supplements and I eat no junk food at all and not much processed food or "empty" food, my body is fine but I still have autism, I am on disability for that.
Misery, depression, anxiety etc are not the only symptoms I experienced. If you read the thread in my signature I've experienced autism symptoms my entire life, and they were particularly horrendous for the few years leading up to me figuring all of this out a couple of years ago. Meltdowns, social problems, sensory problems, perception problems and the list goes on and on - text book. (read: The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome by Dr. Tony Attwood for a very thorough list of autism traits/symptoms)
Yes, food/nutrition is very important to overall health and well being. In my experience it's even more critically important for those on the spectrum who's symptoms are either caused or exacerbated by digestive issues.
Why isn't it right? I've proven it to myself. Experiential evidence is all the proof I need to make such a statement. I'm literally living a second life compared to a couple of years ago, so, yes, I feel I have the right to state that it is treatable. I've done it & continue to. And I'm not the only one, either. Far from it. Take a look at the links I've posted to other threads about news articles etc about others who have reduced their autism symptoms via diet until they are no longer clinically significant. Those few symptoms I listed in the quoted post come along with autism, but are not specifically autism symptoms. I listed many of my autism symptoms in the thread in my signature and throughout the several page discussion before the thread was locked. I've read the textbooks and know what my life's experiences have been. Autism. But again, like I've said for the better part of a year now, please don't take my word for it - try it for yourself and find out for yourself. It's truly the only way anyone else will know whether it works for themselves or not. All the better if you have yourself an official diagnosis of autism. As I've disclosed many times, I do not, and and I don't because I didn't want the stigma attached to it nor the feeling that an official diagnosis would push me one step further towards being on medical disability for the rest of my life vs. being able to function normally and lead a happy healthy work life. I'm glad I persisted through and figured out how to treat myself so that I can get back to work and life better than ever. But to each their own, diagnosed or not, interested in treating their symptoms or not - whatever; others don't affect how I live my life. I'm merely sharing what I've done for anyone interested in trying it for themselves. If that's not you, then don't. Pretty simple.
And like I've also said repeatedly, diet alone, as extreme as I went with overdosing on medicinal herbs/spices may not have EVER cleared my digestive tract as well as I've managed to do. Even drinking kilos of fine powdered clay in my protein shakes to push things through the digestive tract. I'm sure it's all helped, but I never would have passed the parasites out of my intestines if it weren't for the gross science of doing dozens and dozens of high volume herbal enemas over the past couple of years. I had to do them many times over a period of months before I passed 15-20 or so "jellyfish" out of my intestines that must have been clinging to my intestinal walls. Diet alone may never have achieved this. That's why I've been transparent about this part of what I've done, as I believe it's been critical to my success with all of this. Again, just putting the information out there, it's entirely up to each individual whether they're interested in trying what I've done or not.
No for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.
I have experienced success in life but I don't go around the Internet telling people what to do and then turn my nose up in the air when the shun me. What works for me may not work for someone else. I don't give people dietary advice here because for all I know some random person on the Internet might be a schizophrenic diabetic. I just don't know so I don't play doctor or pretend to have cures to diseases that I know little about beyond my own personal experience.
If you are serious about helping other people with curing diseases, a community discussion forum is not the place to do it. You wish to be altruistic? Get your cures scientifically proven and validated. Write books. Donate the profits. Right now what I see emanating from you is the opposite of altruism (egoism.)
I've stressed it as much as I have because my entire life is night and day different for the better. I used to be miserable, depressed, anxious & frustrated as I spun my wheels going nowhere.. now I'm happy & healthy and moving forward, onward, and upwards in every area of my life. Big changes worth sharing about,
But feeling miserable, depressed, anxious and frustrated are no autistic core-symptoms, everyone can feel like that.
And I am aware that good nutrition is important, nowadays a lot of foods are highly processed and altered influencing the health in a negative way.
But in my opinion it is not right to tell anyone like you told your manager that autism is treatable without prove, as far as I read your thread you haven't got an officail diagnosis of autism and what you write above these are no autistic core-symptoms.
But it's good that you feel better.
I myself take many biological-available nutritional supplements and I eat no junk food at all and not much processed food or "empty" food, my body is fine but I still have autism, I am on disability for that.
Misery, depression, anxiety etc are not the only symptoms I experienced. If you read the thread in my signature I've experienced autism symptoms my entire life, and they were particularly horrendous for the few years leading up to me figuring all of this out a couple of years ago. Meltdowns, social problems, sensory problems, perception problems and the list goes on and on - text book. (read: The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome by Dr. Tony Attwood for a very thorough list of autism traits/symptoms)
Yes, food/nutrition is very important to overall health and well being. In my experience it's even more critically important for those on the spectrum who's symptoms are either caused or exacerbated by digestive issues.
Why isn't it right? I've proven it to myself. Experiential evidence is all the proof I need to make such a statement. I'm literally living a second life compared to a couple of years ago, so, yes, I feel I have the right to state that it is treatable. I've done it & continue to. And I'm not the only one, either. Far from it. Take a look at the links I've posted to other threads about news articles etc about others who have reduced their autism symptoms via diet until they are no longer clinically significant. Those few symptoms I listed in the quoted post come along with autism, but are not specifically autism symptoms. I listed many of my autism symptoms in the thread in my signature and throughout the several page discussion before the thread was locked. I've read the textbooks and know what my life's experiences have been. Autism. But again, like I've said for the better part of a year now, please don't take my word for it - try it for yourself and find out for yourself. It's truly the only way anyone else will know whether it works for themselves or not. All the better if you have yourself an official diagnosis of autism. As I've disclosed many times, I do not, and and I don't because I didn't want the stigma attached to it nor the feeling that an official diagnosis would push me one step further towards being on medical disability for the rest of my life vs. being able to function normally and lead a happy healthy work life. I'm glad I persisted through and figured out how to treat myself so that I can get back to work and life better than ever. But to each their own, diagnosed or not, interested in treating their symptoms or not - whatever; others don't affect how I live my life. I'm merely sharing what I've done for anyone interested in trying it for themselves. If that's not you, then don't. Pretty simple.
And like I've also said repeatedly, diet alone, as extreme as I went with overdosing on medicinal herbs/spices may not have EVER cleared my digestive tract as well as I've managed to do. Even drinking kilos of fine powdered clay in my protein shakes to push things through the digestive tract. I'm sure it's all helped, but I never would have passed the parasites out of my intestines if it weren't for the gross science of doing dozens and dozens of high volume herbal enemas over the past couple of years. I had to do them many times over a period of months before I passed 15-20 or so "jellyfish" out of my intestines that must have been clinging to my intestinal walls. Diet alone may never have achieved this. That's why I've been transparent about this part of what I've done, as I believe it's been critical to my success with all of this. Again, just putting the information out there, it's entirely up to each individual whether they're interested in trying what I've done or not.
I cannot understand the idea that you "cure" brain wiring in approximately 9 month of time.
I can understand you can influence hormonal imbalances and neurotransmitters.
As an example of "brain-alteration":
Take addiction to nicotine in a "normal" brain.
Additional nicotine-receptors are being built and for example the repeated nicotine stimulation thus increases the amount of dopamine released in the nucleus accumbens, this is level of neurotransmitters.
People who quit smoking need up to a couple years to get really off the addiction depending on the period of time they were smoking, the number of cigarettes etc.
But autism is not about only neurotransmitters or hormones.
It's about pathways wired in the brain connecting brain-areas.
How can this possibly "cured" in a couple month in a adult brain?
I believe in relief of symptoms which are more related to hormonal and neurotransmitter imbalances, but not in altering the hard-wired pathways.
But promoting a healthy way of nutrition is good, but not saying it cured autism in an adult brain.
English is not my native language, so I will very likely do mistakes in writing or understanding. My edits are due to corrections of mistakes, which I sometimes recognize just after submitting a text.
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If you are serious about helping other people with curing diseases, a community discussion forum is not the place to do it. You wish to be altruistic? Get your cures scientifically proven and validated. Write books. Donate the profits. Right now what I see emanating from you is the opposite of altruism (egoism.)
I've had other successes in life besides this, but this is what's relevant to this particular forum community & that's why I've shared it here. I'm not sure why that isn't completely obvious, but I don't mind spelling it out.
You're free to ignore what I've said all you want.. which makes it a bit puzzling as to why you keep replying to my posts in this thread, to be honest. I've said over and over I've put all of this out there for whoever is willing to try it for themselves, take it or leave it it doesn't affect my life or health or well being one iota.
Again, I've shared what I've done that's worked for me. If anyone has any specific medical dietary requirements that's for them to know about and take care of. But still, herbs, spices, veggies, protein, chicken soup etc are not dangerous for anyone to consume. I'm not sure why anyone is suggesting that the diet I've shared is potentially harmful to anyone, really. Oh noes, herbs!
Again, I've said I don't know for certain that it will work for others and the only way for anyone else to find out is to try it for themselves. Pretty simple.
I don't need to have this diet/treatment protocol validated by anyone else to know it's worked well for me nor to share that with the world. I know what it's done for me, I've shared that, and others are welcome to try it for themselves if they like. It's really that simple. Further, I don't have the financial resources to finance medical studies & have reports written to prove what I already know just so that skeptical cynical people who seem to choose to believe I am lying may change their minds. Either people are open to trying an herbal/medicinal diet or they're not. I'm far from the only person in the world to have done something like this and shared my story online for others to read. I really don't care if you don't believe me and have no interest in ever doing anything of the sort. If that's the case, what I've shared isn't for you, it's for whoever would like to try it for themselves - and it's not up to you to tell me I can't share what I've done for others to read and consider for themselves.
No for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.
As I said before, there is nothing wrong with sharing your success story or the methods used to achieve it. However you have taken it further by making unsubstantiated claims of a miraclous treatment for a handful of very different conditions, and then repeatedly prodded other people to try it as well (presumably to cure themselves.) It may not work for others, and the idea that it has even cured you is also a dubious claim.
Of course you are free to continue making unproven claims of a treatment that has miraculous results for all sorts of diseases, just as anyone else here is free to remind you that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. None of the links you have provided explicitly prove that your extreme diet will cure anything. You yourself have admitted this by saying it takes too long to wait for scientific proof.
Who needs science when you can trust the word of a stranger on the internet? Sounds logical to me!
It's always the same with diet fanatics. Just because some ultra-severe diet appears to work for them, they can't stop banging on about it. They've only got one perspective: their own. It's so boring and self-obsessed.
People who are genuinely happy within themselves don't need to shout it out to the world several times a day. They really don't. The more insistently a person goes on about how fantastic they feel, the more I think "the lady (or gentlemen) doth protest too much". It's a red flag sign for me.
Yeah, tripe. That's what I said.
As for those without colons, I've read that there are more signals going from the gut to the brain than the brain to the gut. I wonder if it's possible that when people have their colons removed if the nerves that send signals are also severed/removed, then signals stop sending/receiving & thus there's no potential for negative signals to be transmitted? Further, if the colon isn't there it can't be leaky and food/bacterial/fecal chemicals cannot leak out into the blood stream and trip the brain with their toxins. Maybe one or both of those are explanations? I don't know any better than you do, I'm just guessing.
But I inherited my autism from my dad: I'm 99.9% certain that he is on the spectrum. My mum definitely is not, nor is the rest of her family: they've got 99 problems, but autism ain't one of them. I did, however, get Crohn's from my mum's side of the family.
My main point about people without colons is that they seem to be healthy as the general population. I've looked up studies on this and have found nothing which suggests that folks without colons are more predisposed to illness or die earlier. I know loads of people with UC who've had colectomies and most of them say how much better they feel. If we don't need our colonic bacteria for good health, then what's the obsession with gut flora?
If you just want to hose down the unknown "bad" bacteria (there are hundreds of species of gut bacteria), then you can do that fairly easily with powerful antibiotics or probably even just by going on a really, really strict diet, like the SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet). The SCD proclaims to starve out the "bad" bacteria (once again unidentified), but fails to mention that the good guys feed on the same carbs as the bad guys and so also get starved out. It makes a nominal attempt at replacing the lost bacteria with its home-made yoghurt, but only replaces 2-3 species out of literally hundreds of species.
It seems to me to be utterly pointless and possibly counterproductive to try to eliminate the 'bad' bacteria from your colon. Even if it actually works - that is, stops the autism, the Crohn's, or whatever - it's not a "cure". It's a treatment which will stop working once you stop the diet. This is already known in Crohn's. An elemental/liquid diet can halt a Crohn's flare-up, but it's only a temporary treatment. An elemental diet works the same as the SCD in one way: it stops carbs from getting to the ileum and colon.
It doesn't make sense to me. IBD is located in the gut, so you think the first place the gut bacteria attacked would be the gut. Resulting in the IBD that us IBD sufferers just love to hate. Personally I think any theory which attempts to explain the root cause of IBD needs to take into account its late onset (amongst other things).
As for autism, I believe it's one of those things which have already been around, but simply wasn't recognised in its current form. It seems to be strongly hereditary; aside from that, who the f*** knows what causes it? Nobody knows yet, least of all Mercola.
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Age: 42
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I can understand you can influence hormonal imbalances and neurotransmitters.
As an example of "brain-alteration":
Take addiction to nicotine in a "normal" brain.
Additional nicotine-receptors are being built and for example the repeated nicotine stimulation thus increases the amount of dopamine released in the nucleus accumbens, this is level of neurotransmitters.
People who quit smoking need up to a couple years to get really off the addiction depending on the period of time they were smoking, the number of cigarettes etc.
But autism is not about only neurotransmitters or hormones.
It's about pathways wired in the brain connecting brain-areas.
How can this possibly "cured" in a couple month in a adult brain?
I believe in relief of symptoms which are more related to hormonal and neurotransmitter imbalances, but not in altering the hard-wired pathways.
But promoting a healthy way of nutrition is good, but not saying it cured autism in an adult brain.
I've never ever once stated that I have "cured brain rewiring." I don't know where you're getting that statement from, but it wasn't from anything I've written here. I've never had my brain scanned for anything, so I have no idea what it's wiring looks like. I don't know what it looked like before this diet, during, or after. I don't know what it looks like compared to a typical NT, either. I'm not sure where you're getting the phrase "cured brain rewiring" from.
Neurotransmitters, probiotics/gut flora etc - yes, I believe this diet and all have changed those things. Again, I don't have lab tests or scans or anything of the sort as I have not had those resources at my disposal. I've been completely transparent about everything I've done and what the end results have been for me as well as everything I know and understand about it as well as what I theorize about it.
I have no idea how my brain is wired nor if it's changed so I can't really comment on any of that. I believe it's possible for rewiring to take place. It may be possible to do so via CBT, pharmaceuticals, diet, meditation, or any other number of methods. I have no way of knowing, but I believe virtually anything is possible. Has my brain rewired itself to some extent? I have no idea. Maybe it's just the same wiring as it's always been, but operates much more optimally due to reducing toxins & increasing probiotics and neurotransmitters and so forth. I can only guess as I don't have the resources available to me to find out. Your guess is as good as mine as to how my brain is wired and whether it's any differently wired now than it was 2 years ago.
Further, I've referred to it as a "functional cure," not that I've completely cured myself. I still have traits and symptoms, but they are extremely minimal compared to what they once were. That's why I say I've reduced symptoms by 95% vs. saying I no longer have any symptoms whatsoever.
No for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.
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