Childish... Childlike... Well, I *sound* childlike, and I quite *posed* as childlike to others. Even so *looked* like childlike at age of 19 mostly being mistaken my 17 year old NT sister as the elder sibling if not an older looking twin. I'm mostly childlike around my mom, even at public! And so does with cats, and toddlers and playing with them. I don't mind the crowd. I still watch cartoons, coloring coloring books, playing with children's toys, talking to plushies, chasing things like butterflies, being overly curious...
I'm well aware I'm emotionally childish in some way, especially when I'm hurt. But not the way I think (intellectually). Not the way I handle certain situations, especially serious ones. People think I'm rather immature, and not taking everything seriously just because of my voice/body language.
I'm fine with cooking, cleaning the house, managing budgets, paying bills, doing other chores, learning more necessary things, even those that are harder to learn, I might try to learn how to babysit, diet, general nursing... I might learn things that I don't like, like business, doing.going for interviews ONLY when necessary enough... But sense of fashion? Trends? Crushes? Boyfriends? Sex? No. I still don't even get the concept of 'sexy'. Tho I already know what respectful admiration feels like, but not attraction.
I feel like a child (like I'm still 8-12), with an intellect of an adult (and I'm fine with it), in a teenager's body(Or at least what it LOOKED like it from someone else's view).