Shocked By The "Aspartners" site
It makes me sad that my marriage hasn't worked out. Intensely sad.
When people told me how bad my relationship was, I didn't want to see it either. When you love someone you don't want them to tell you that this person isn't good for you. Even if you suspect it's true. What people often want in these situations is some magic bit of advice on how to fix the relationship.
Jono, maybe NTs are bad communicating with Aspies. But maybe Aspies, in general, are not very good at being romantic partners. The statistics seem to suggest this. Every relationship site seems to suggest this. I think Aspies could be better partners than they are, but it takes conscious effort to do that. And it certainly isn't about responding to a legimitate concern with "You just need to communicate with me better." If NT partners have to practice conscious communication, AS partners need to practice conscious empathy. I've seen some AS partners on this site talk about their relationships that seem to work and this is what they seem to be doing. I've seen my own husband practice conscious empathy on a few occasions and he was able to provide emotional support to me (when my grandfather died for example, his behaviour was on balance really good).
I see just as much US v THEMISM here as I do on the AS Partners site. I see just as much wild generalisation about NT behaviour.
I would ask you though how many NTs you've been in romantic relationships with or how you know this? Even if it's true communication is a two-way street. And when you've asked again and again and again for basic compromises - you don't communicate as well you might otherwise. Yet still people, including people in abusive relationships will twist everything back on themselves - if only I was a little more this or a little more that then maybe he wouldn't do this... Yes, we should always look to see what our parts are in situations, but we (and mean we as in we humans) shouldn't take all of the blame in relationships.
And the problem with this 'communication' theory is that sometimes it just isn't possible to communicate as the websites advise all the time. I recently got taken to A&E with chest pains. I texted my husband this and that they were running tests. His response: "OK good luck." If I didn't communicate my needs:
1. Please express sympathy
2. Please sort out childcare for your child
3. Please ask what hospital I'm in and if you should come
4. Please find out if I need help or who is with me
5. Please find out if I need help getting home
It was because I couldn't breathe and was having chest pains. Fortunately, I have friends who did anticipate needs and took care of all of this for me. I would not have been able to get home on my own.
My experience isn't unique. Lots of NT partners in NT/AS relationships have similar stories around health crises.
Hi Elkclan, I really hope you read my posts on the other thread. I'll start by saying again that I'm really sorry to hear how hard it is for you, and for most of the regulars on the ASpartners site. A lot of that behaviour you and others have to endure is downright disgusting. I also do agree it's a no-brainer that there will be a lower proportion of successful AS/NT relationships to NT/NT ones. Especially when taking into account those with severe AS, and those who did not have an understanding family, or were diagnosed late in life and therefore traumatised through not understanding why they got such negative reactions from everyone. However to assume that aspies in general are bad partners and that it's right to go around warning people that their relationship with an aspie cannot possibly work, is much too extreme.
With regards to the statistics you refer to, which suggest that AS people are not good at being romantic partners, are there any tests which only include aspies who were diagnosed prior to the relationship? Or preferably only those who were diagnosed in childhood. As I have argued before, many partners, especially from older generations are getting their diagnosis as a result of their relationship already being in turmoil AND because they are still showing symptoms commonly associated with AS. This automatically excludes most of those whose relationships are not in turmoil, and especially any who might no longer be showing any of the major AS symptoms.
Relationship sites are also likely to show the same negative message for the same reason (if the relationship is not in turmoil people will never end up posting and probably won't even know their partner has AS). Also, those in happy relationships with a person diagnosed with AS are unlikely to have the compulsion to go and post about it, least of all on a support forum for people in difficult relationships. It sounds like gloating, and they will feel uncomfortable and like they don't fit in. Perhaps if they feel they can offer some advice on making the relationship work this might be motivation enough to post, but if their relationship is simply a good one which did not need any magic solutions, why would they bother? When it comes to therapists who work with AS/NT relationships, they will obviously not see any of the ones who don't need therapy - and many information websites are created by therapists. In spite of all this, I have seen quite a number of positive accounts of AS/NT relationships from the NT side in various places. Occasional accounts are even posted on the ASpartners site, but they are largely overlooked. That researcher Kim Bolling even specifically said that she had been put off posting about her own relationship there because she felt her issues paled in comparison those of others on the forum. That brings me to the next point.
There is also basic human nature to consider, as someone already explained quite well, earlier in this thread. The people on sites like the AS partners site are actively seeking connection and validation from others with similar experiences. They are drawn to like-minded forums, and they do the very natural thing of selectively looking for what they want to see. People on such a forum will usually only respond to what they agree with (after all they're there to find connection, not debate). If someone describes how their partner always disagrees with everything they say, then most people will only respond if they can relate to it because their partner is the same. If on the other hand their partner placidly accepts everything they say and expects them to make all the decisions, then they'll probably ignore the afore mentioned thread and post on one which discusses their own partner's issue instead. This can easily make it seem like there is total agreement on every issue, and that everyone else's aspie partner has the same issues as one's own.
Then there's the mind-blindness issue, and I'm not talking about aspie mind-blindness. I'm talking about the simple fact that on the internet, everyone is mind-blind! Everything is in pure text form, and there is no non-verbal communication whatsoever. Of course we can figure certain things out by looking at people's choice of words, but most of the "feel" we get for a person and for any situations they describe, are projections resulting from our minds automatically filling in the blanks. This mean that on forums and websites more than anywhere else, we see what we expect to see and what we want to see! And people on sites like ASpartners do come there with quite a specific personal agenda.
All in all I'm not trying to claim that any of this proves that aspies are good partners. I'm simply pointing out how flawed the logic is, behind the assumption that the most of them are irredeemably bad partners. So it's very saddening to see this assumption being presented as though it were an absolute truth, and thinking about the harm it might be causing.
Very well said JPS. I agree with all the points you made.
Unfortunately when people become too fixated on the idea of "shared experience" they view everything through that filter. It can distort a person's entire perspective.
The people on that site are unable/unwilling to consider experiences as unique and individual. Every post gets interpreted as an absolute confirmation of common experience and what they already believe. Group hysteria. ... g=13419.22
I don't know if I can say this right: But throwing away trash, doing the dishes- those are just symbols for what's really going on under the surface. You want a bit in return so you feel validated and loved. Please read the topic here which is entitled something like "bids for love". Even if you get your partner to do this stuff, he won't be doing it for the reason of connecting with you. You can hire a housekeeper, but you can't hire a husband.
I don't even have the words. These are mundane tasks that most people don't really enjoy or want to do. If you expect someone to do these things for the reason of connecting with you, so you can feel loved and validated, you are almost guaranteed to be unhappy.
With regards to those statistics that Elkclan refers to, I know where they come from and I don't believe that they're reliable. The 80% divorce rate figure came from a single dutch study, which had no control group and was never repeated as far as I know. It's only commonly quoted because Maxine Aston referenced it in her books but if you look up her sources, it can be traced back to that one study. It's probably true that NT/AS relationships have a higher failure rate than normal relationships where both are NT's but I don't trust those statistics as reliable since it's based on only one study that was done in Holland and the original authors of that study even acknowledged that it had some flaws. Also, I don't see why the higher failure rate of NT/AS relationships would be that much different from the higher failure rate of relationships where one partner has a disability or possibly a psychiatric disorder (yes, those relationships have a higher failure rate too). In any case, there just hasn't been enough research into AS and relationships to really have accurate statistics because research about AS in adults is pretty scarce generally. Most of the research goes into children with AS.
Honestly, don't be shocked. Nobody is going to post on that site for any reason short of support, so you're only going to hear the negative. Nobody turns to the internet for help when their relationship is going good. There are plenty of successful and happy NT-AS relationships out there, so naturally, should you use the internet as the deciding factor of success, you won't find answers you desire.
If Jesus died for my sins, then I should sin as much as possible, so he didn't die for nothing.
Not entirely true. Some people post on there while looking for information on AS but the regular users there will do nothing other to try and break up that person's relationship as well as generalise that no person with AS should be in a relationship. The particular thread that we've been discussing is just one such example
Sad that forum is so negative and largely destructive. It actually sounds like a good idea to have a forum where spouses of people on the Autistic Spectrum can commiserate and share experiences the same way there are forums where parents of autistic children can commiserate and share experiences. I don't doubt for a second that many of us on the Spectrum can be challenging for those who share their lives intimately with us. If there was a forum for spouses and partners of people with ASD that focused on strengthening rather than destroying relationships - that looked at the good as well as the bad - that would really be a great thing.
"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
- Albert Einstein
Another, well interesting, post in the ASPartners forum:
This is a protective place for us n/t.
Your writing gives me post traumatic stress.
I was nice to Two aspis today at Thanksgiving. That's over my quota.
That was x responding to y again in that forum. Yay, she mentioned this forum. Quite the professional victim isn't she? If just seeing an aspie post on her forum is enough to trigger PTSD then I really wouldn't know what to say to her. Being nice to other people, especially aspies, is too much effort for her apparently. Well I that's more than what I would expected from her anyway. Here's the whole thread, so that you can read it:
z only replies on the second page though:
This is a protective place for us n/t.
Your writing gives me post traumatic stress.
I was nice to Two aspis today at Thanksgiving. That's over my quota.
That was x responding to y again in that forum. Yay, she mentioned this forum. Quite the professional victim isn't she? If just seeing an aspie post on her forum is enough to trigger PTSD then I really wouldn't know what to say to her. Being nice to other people, especially aspies, is too much effort for her apparently. Well I that's more than what I would expected from her anyway. Here's the whole thread, so that you can read it:
z only replies on the second page though:
Your behavior now isn't Aspie. It's jerk.
Where do you get off calling someone a professional victim? How do you know what is triggering to whom? How dare you troll a board and post things from there here. You think Alex wants to see this toddler behaving horse s**t on his board?
Feel proud? Changed any minds? FFS did you even READ what you just posted? This is exhibit A that no matter how your brain is hard wired, everyone is capable of being unkind.
And yeah, she was less than nice, but you baited the bear until you got the reaction you wanted. You are now no better than the people who think Aspergers is just another excuse for being a jack ass.
I've been on that Delphi board, and it can be over the top, which is why I don't don't go there. What you care if people b***h and complain about their spectrum spouses? Is it taking money out of your pocket or a meal off the table? And if it feels that negative, why hang out there? I don't get people who troll boards. Life is too short to be causing mischief for basically nothing.
At least that person mentioned Wrong Planet in a positive light, and suggested you go there.
I try really hard not to offend people here. I'm not an Aspie, but married to one. I never belittle a person writing about sensory issues. It isn't for me to judge. And this isn't the board for it. Wrong planet is a positive place.
Sorry moderators, I couldn't let this go. People trolling and cross posting have brought down more forums than I care to remember.
I just spent a good hour reading up on their hate filled bile, seriously these people are walking our streets they should be locked up! I really felt like signing up and saying to them that never mind them running their aspie partners should run at the first opportunity, most of them sound like narcissistic sycophants add psychopath to that pot too. What is worse it sounds like people actually listen to them!
One post was someone just joined and all they said was 'hi' the response they got back was hi, are you happy in your AS relationship' I was like what the hell? She never even said anything about her relationship.
I may signup just to stir things up a bit, sometimes trolling has it's uses!!
One post was someone just joined and all they said was 'hi' the response they got back was hi, are you happy in your AS relationship' I was like what the hell? She never even said anything about her relationship.
I may signup just to stir things up a bit, sometimes trolling has it's uses!!
I've trolled there once posing as NT and they approve posts first and I think I got found out because I saw I couldn't make replies anymore. I am sure some others have done it. But IMO, it's not really worth it.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
This is a protective place for us n/t.
Your writing gives me post traumatic stress.
I was nice to Two aspis today at Thanksgiving. That's over my quota.
That was x responding to y again in that forum. Yay, she mentioned this forum. Quite the professional victim isn't she? If just seeing an aspie post on her forum is enough to trigger PTSD then I really wouldn't know what to say to her. Being nice to other people, especially aspies, is too much effort for her apparently. Well I that's more than what I would expected from her anyway. Here's the whole thread, so that you can read it:
z only replies on the second page though:
Your behavior now isn't Aspie. It's jerk.
Where do you get off calling someone a professional victim? How do you know what is triggering to whom? How dare you troll a board and post things from there here. You think Alex wants to see this toddler behaving horse s**t on his board?
Feel proud? Changed any minds? FFS did you even READ what you just posted? This is exhibit A that no matter how your brain is hard wired, everyone is capable of being unkind.
And yeah, she was less than nice, but you baited the bear until you got the reaction you wanted. You are now no better than the people who think Aspergers is just another excuse for being a jack ass.
I've been on that Delphi board, and it can be over the top, which is why I don't don't go there. What you care if people b***h and complain about their spectrum spouses? Is it taking money out of your pocket or a meal off the table? And if it feels that negative, why hang out there? I don't get people who troll boards. Life is too short to be causing mischief for basically nothing.
At least that person mentioned Wrong Planet in a positive light, and suggested you go there.
I try really hard not to offend people here. I'm not an Aspie, but married to one. I never belittle a person writing about sensory issues. It isn't for me to judge. And this isn't the board for it. Wrong planet is a positive place.
Sorry moderators, I couldn't let this go. People trolling and cross posting have brought down more forums than I care to remember.
First of all I don't think Jono was trolling.
Less than nice? No, that forum is full of hatred and bigotry. Someone posted in that very thread that there should be a law to help prevent aspies from being parents and/or being allowed to raise their own children. It's sick.
I agree with previous posters that the name of the forum is misleading, to say the least. It shouldn't be about asperger partners (because it really isn't.) It's about abusive relationships - which is a legitimate concern.
It seems that a lot of people on that forum automatically equate an aspie to an abusive partner. That is what they are supporting and it's just wrong. I guarantee if you post on that forum talking about aspies being abusive, you will be met with supportive cheers.
Try talking about how awesome your aspie partner is over there and I doubt there will be much support to strengthen the relationship. No, the majority opinion on that site is you should get away and stay away from anyone who is perceived as an aspie.
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This is a protective place for us n/t.
Your writing gives me post traumatic stress.
I was nice to Two aspis today at Thanksgiving. That's over my quota.
This upsets me. "That's over my quota." I feel nauseous reading this.
This is a protective place for us n/t.
Your writing gives me post traumatic stress.
I was nice to Two aspis today at Thanksgiving. That's over my quota.
This upsets me. "That's over my quota." I feel nauseous reading this.
It's not a good forum to spend much time or energy around.
She claims to have post traumatic stress from reading a forum post that was merely expressing the view point of an aspie in a mature and respectful manner? My point exactly.
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