You're very welcome, Felinelover. I'm glad I was able to help if only a little.
I feel I have talents writing, including health topics these days. When I worked at a tax place, I was also good at direct dealing with clients. At the same time, I'm behind in my own taxes. Applying for new health insurance feels like a major mountain. So, I have patchy skills, probably like every human being on the face of the Earth, but for those of us on the Spectrum, more patchy than average. It's like I have an A game and a C game, and not too many skills of a low-energy, good enough B game.
And yes, by all means, her saying that you are an unfit parent is very serious.
Okay, with your clothes, I think it's okay to wear vintage clothes and at the same time okay to dress more formally. If you can wind to a place where either option feels like an okay option, that's a pretty good place to be. As long as you are relaxed and have good present energy. And for them to so focus on clothing kind of exposes them.
As far as political activism in general, I protested my country going to war in the first Persian Gulf war back in 1991 and have some other activism since, and the main coin of the realm seems to be slightly understating your case. Here we're among friends and can put it on the table plainly. And I'll say, this first shrink is either glaringly incompetent and/or mean-spirited in trying to crush you down to "prove" that she's right. But as far as any kind of formal written complaint, I'd really go the method of slight understating. For example, maybe write, a bus driver was rude to me and my husband wanted to report the driver, but I decided to let it go. And hopefully another halfway competent mental health professional can see that she is cooking the books so to speak. But I wouldn't use the phrase, cooking the books. And I wouldn't use the expression, big porky pie. I haven't heard that in the states, and I kind of like it!
Alright, here's the part where you really want a co-activist or co-advocate who maybe has at least a half dozen different cases of challenging a NHS report and/or reporting a bad practitioner. This can be someone from an advocacy group who might be excellent, or it can be a lawyer. In the best of all worlds, it might be both, but that may not be obtainable. If you can find a person who's gone the distance even three times, that might be helpful.